Thursday, September 9, 2021

Michael's Musings

Get The Look
Michael Shinafelt

"Let's get rammin'...You got the look" - Prince

With everything that is orbiting around us in a constant state of disarray the one thing we can all rely on is "The Look." That's correct Minions while we all have many there are certain ones that are more popular than others in our repertoires.

Can you decode what mine above is saying? Think about it, but not too much...

Not to brag but, I've never filled a plastic bag with gasoline or taken medication intended for animals, the more you know

Could someone please explain to me why Sarah Paulson apologized for wearing a fat suit to portray Linda Tripp in American Crime Story Impeachment? Isn't the goal to look like the person you are playing as much as possible?

Go deeper into the madness, descend 

Enjoy something sweet today ("Yes" this is open for interpretation) 😉

I could use a good Donna Summer medley about now

The gift of rhyme and a big imagination, get it!

BTW If immigrants are taking all the jobs then why do we have a labor shortage?!

Nobody told me these things sting a little...

Woman Crush of the Week - Garcelle Beauvais for slaying it last night with this look, and for slaying it in general this season on RHOBH

Approach as many moments as you can with curiosity not contempt

Hungry for more, ya know, more!!!

I watched the Labor Day Child's Play marathon, don't judge me

"Trust me you can dance" - Alcohol

While Dancing isn't my forte find out what is here -  

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