It's A Strange World... Michael Shinafelt |
"Calling occupants of interplanetary craft. Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft" - The Carpenters, Calling Occupants
Yesterday I was in Beverly Hills, CA having lunch at The Cheesecake Factory with one of my oldest and dearest Julie McMahon. While walking back through the Mean Streets of Beverly I came across an alien (pictured above.)
Life is strange and you never know what can happen along the way. Appearances are meaningless. I'll never explain again...
Where you go depends a good deal on where you want to get to
I just learned that crows can hold a 17 year grudge against a person. I've found my new spirit animal!
Remember Elektra Woman and Dyna Girl? I do and apparently Facebook knows this, that's all
Looked at my bookshelf yesterday I have everything from Anais Nin, Dominique Dunne, William Shakespeare, Dr, Seuss to Biographies on it and thought: Makes Sense
Whilst in Beverly Hills yesterday "I See Waymo's" (driverless taxis)
The biggest illusion that someone can ever pull of is that they are stress free
A single song can bring back a thousand memories, the more you know
Saturday Night Live turned 50 and they had a special to celebrate it, discuss...
Woman Crush of the Week - Meryl Streep who was so brilliant in the Close Encounters skit on the SNL 50th Anniversary Special!
The Monkey opens tomorrow at my local The Vista, guess where I am spending part of my weekend?!
Are we not men? We are DEVO!
Answer: Demi Moore Question: This is what a star looks like
Erika Jayne is so chill this season on RHOBH
Speaking of chill...time for some lemon water
Chill with me here -