Showing posts with label True Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Blood. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2020

Freaky Friday

Pardon Me While I Drain Your Blood
Evan Rachel Wood
Here it is, what's on my mind this Friday. "Yes" for some reason the HBO series True Blood has been renting space in my brain of late. I loved the show, for the most part when it was on (there were a couple of seasons that really missed the mark, but for the most part...)

Moving on one of my favorite characters was Vampire Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq played by Evan Rachel Wood. In true vamp fashion Sophie-Anne was a take no prisoners bad ass who dominated even the strongest of male vampires, including the ever so hot Eric Northman.

Sophie-Anne is my spirit animal (or is it beast?) on this Friday, so I guess that's what puts the Freaky in it? Or perhaps not, seriously with the world we live in I think this is most likely one of the most sane things you have heard all week.

Pardon me while I go file my fangs, they've got to be ready to seize the day!

True Blood on Wikipedia -

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Alexander Skarsgard is a Drag

Just One Of The Girls
l-r Bel Powley, Alexander Skarsgard &
Director: Marielle Heller
Alexander Skarsgard who played the vampire most likely to do bad things to you, Eric Northman on HBO's True Blood recently appeared on the red carpet in drag of all things for the premiere of his movie: The Diary of a Teenage Girl.

Was he shooting an audition video for RuPaul's Drag Race? Showing support for one of his co-stars, drag performer Peaches Christ? No one knows for sure, but talk about attention getting!

The Diary of a Teenage Girl,  is based on Phoebe Gloeckner's graphic novel set in 1976, Skarsgård plays Monroe, a 35-year-old man who is dating Chloe (Kristen Wiig) and later begins an affair with her 15-year-old daughter Minnie ( Bel Powley).

This may explain the choice of outfit, being as the subject matter will most likely stir up controversy, so why not add a little more fuel to the fire?

You go Skarsgard!

Read a teenage girl's diary at:

Monday, December 29, 2014

Put A Ring On It: Joe Manganiello + Sofia Vergara

They're Engaged! Joe Manganiello & Sofia Vergara
Did you hear?! Engagement just got a whole lot hotter. "Yes" Hunk Joe Manganiello proposed to Latina Spitfire Sofia Vergara on Christmas Day!
Can I get a Paris Hilton catch phrase "That's Hot" shout out?
Who would have thunk that True Blood and Modern Family would ever cross pollinate?
Manganiello purchased a $640 dollar rose ring for his sexy girlfriend.
Vergara tweeted this: "To the one that makes me laugh like crazy!" she captioned a sweet photo with her hubby-to-be, adding, "Have a healthy wonderful year babe!!! @JoeManganiello."
Congrats to the two of you! I wonder if there will be some beautiful babies on the way soon?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Author M.E. Franco Brings It For Halloween!!!

Tombstone Hugger, M.E. Franco
Yes, it's that time of the year again Halloween! Every year here on Entertain Me I have fellow horror lover and author M.E. Franco stop by for some tricks, treats, but most of all fun!
M.E. is the author of the popular supernatural thriller Dion trilogy, Where Will You Run, Where Will You Hide & Where Will You Turn.
I asked her 10 Questions in the spirit of the season, read how she answered...if you dare!

MS: If you were a freak what kind of freak would you be?
ME: From a very young age, I've had this fascination with sword swallowers. It freaks me out and captivates me at the same time. I want to watch, but I don't want to watch, but I have to watch... I'm not the only one, everyone holds their breath when the sword swallower comes out. It's truly scary, but you can't look away. That's what I'd choose to be: the sword swallower.
MS: What did you think of the series finale of True Blood?
ME: Lame comes to mind, but I'll go with a bad vampire pun and say that it sucked, but not in a good way. I was disappointed.
Look, It's Reinn
MS: Which character in your supernatural thriller Dion series of books do you have a crush on?
ME: I really wanted to focus a lot on Raith when I started, but when I wrote the second book, Reinn stole my heart. (Don't tell Raith).
MS: If birds of a feather flock together, what do bats do?
ME: Hang out. (I'm full of bad puns today)
Adam Levine: I Win Satan!
MS: Satan and Adam Levine both want your soul, who do you give it to?
ME: Have to go with Adam, he has better tattoos Although I hear Satan is quite the singer.
Michael Myers Experiences Frequent Neck Pain
MS: Michael Myers asks you on a date with a nod and a blank stare, what is your answer?
ME: "I don't remind you of your sister or a babysitter, do I?"
Hey Drew, What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?
MS: Name one of your favorite death scenes in a horror movie.
ME: I thought Drew Barrymore's death in Scream was masterful. That whole scene with her was truly creepy.

MS: What type of wine do you enjoy with your Fava Beans?
ME: I think a nice, old vine zin would be a fabulous pairing, although I hear they also go well with chianti.
C'mon M.E. Show Me Those Fangs
MS: You have been turned into a vampire, what is the first thing that you would do?
ME: Bite Gerard Butler. Wait...that sounds creepy, but I don't think if violates the restraining order.
MS: Driving down a deserted country road you spot Morgan Le Fay hitchhiking, do you give her a ride?
ME: Absolutely I would! It's always good to have a powerful sorceress who owes me a favor. Plus, she could probably afford the Cheetos and Diet Dr. Pepper for the trip.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Bend It Like Paquin

Sookie Stackhouse Is No More
This item is more muse than news, hey it's Friday time for some fun! That being stated I felt inspired creatively when I came across this image of one of my favorite actresses, Anna Paquin with purple hair.

Immediately I started thinking of all things cool and purple: The Prince Movie Purple Rain, Flying Purple People Eaters, Ursula The Sea Witch, Tinky Winky and last but not least, Barney...

And now Anna Paquin is on that list. It also made me wish when I had hair and was bleaching it platinum blonde that I had tried purple hair too while I was at it.

What an awesome send off to the final season of True Blood and her character Sookie Stackhouse!

Anna took to her Twitter about her color with this statement:

"@Auracolorist just fulfilled my teen dream of being a mermaid. @_smoyer whatcha think?"

Awesome Anna glad you get to live out your mermaid fantasy, word of caution watch out for Ursula!

Anna on Twitter:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Too Darn Hot: Joe Manganiello & Sofia Vergara

Hotter Than Georgia Asphalt: Joe Manganiello & Sofia Vergara 

"But when the thermometer goes way up, 

And the weather is sizzling hot Mr Pants, for romance, is not" 

- Too Darn Hot, Cole Porter

It's seems that America's favorite deceased Werewolf  True Blood's Joe Manganiello and Colombian spitfire Sofia Vergara of Modern Family are dating.

From the sounds of things they met at a White House correspondence dinner and are now one of the hottest couples to ever walk the planet.

Oh Yeah! Wow, this is a match made in publicist heaven.

Best Wishes to the both of you.

Entertain Me.



Monday, July 7, 2014

True Blood: R.I.P. Alcide

Joe Manganiello as Alcide
Yes, True Blood fans our favorite Werewolf hunk, Alcide met his demise in last night's episode of the series final season.

Were any of you shocked? I for one wasn't, after Tara met the true death in the season premiere and knowing this is the last season my instinct immediately kicked in and said to me: They are going to be killing off a lot of characters this year.

Mark my words this is not the end of other loved characters dying...

Let's face it even though Alcide was a real stand up Werewolf sort of guy and great eye candy, he really was not necessary to the story line.

Joe Manganiello who played the too cool for school Alcide had this to say about his character's death:

I called it pretty early on. As soon as Sookie and Alcide got together, I remember turning to a friend and saying, “I’m dead.” You can’t go anywhere from that; she needs to settle up with Bill and Eric. You can’t have her break Alcide’s heart, because then the audience is going to be angry with her for breaking the nice guy’s heart. I told my friend, “I bet you everything I own that I’m dead.” The other side of it is, if you look at all the other characters, Alcide no longer has anything to do with the story. If you talk about characters that you could kill and make an impact with, I was probably No. 1 on that list. Why would you keep me around? All Alcide ever did was get in the way. I had dinner with [showrunner] Brian Buckner and he cited all the same reasons I just told you.

Bye Alcide you will be missed.


Monday, June 30, 2014

True Blood: Eric & Jason Lock Lips

Want A Three Way?
Even though I spotted it as a dream sequence immediately at the opening of last night's episode of HBO's True Blood Jason Stackhouse's ( Ryan Kwanten) sex dream, which included one of the most passionate lip locks ever with vampire Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) was blazing hot!

With all the explicit nudity and sex scenes on the show, which I do love, this kiss was amazingly off the hook!!!

I have kissed like this before and felt the passion between these two, kudos Kwanten and Skarsgard I took a cold shower after last nights episode.

Hey, I gave up on True Blood and did not watch last season, but as someone who liked it for the first three seasons I had to tune in again for it's final one.

If they keep this up to paraphrase a quote from the awesome movie Heathers:

"The show will give me shower-nozzle masturbation material for weeks"

Yippy Ki Yay!

Do Bad Things at:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Daughter Of Chucky: Fiona Dourif

Fiona Dourif
Hey all of you Chucky Fans no doubt you've heard about the latest and one of the best films in the series "Curse of Chucky".

Of course it is not lost on you guys that the female lead bears the same last name as the voice of "Chucky" Brad Dourif.

Yes, we have the actual "Daughter of Chucky" here for an exclusive Halloween interview - Fiona Dourif!

Fiona actually carries more horror cred than being the female lead in the current "Chucky" movie as well as being his daughter, she has also appeared as "Casey" one of the Witches in Marnie's Coven on "True Blood" and was in Paul Thomas Anderson's Scientology based story "The Master".

You are all in for a treat, hit it Fiona....Happy Halloween!

MS: Hi Fiona. Wow! It's four o'clock straight up!

FD: I am punctual! (laughs)

MS: I like that! Your father used to come into a video store I worked in when I first moved to Los Angeles, when I still was a little on the "star struck" side and I used to get so excited that "Chucky" was in the house.

FD: Oh God! How funny!

MS: I'm surprised this entry into the "Chucky" series went straight to video with all of the great reviews it has gotten.

FD: We weren't really sure it was going to take that direction at first.

MS: The word is it's more scary, than funny like the earlier entries.

FD: Yeah, that was the mission a return to horror.

MS: I've seen you in other things you have done, you are really good,  did they decide to cast you as the lead because of the "Chucky Connection"?

FD: You know I have no idea. I can tell you what Don Mancini (the writer/director) told me. I went up for the role of the bitchy sister, then I got a call three days later, saying I wasn't right for it, but Don thought I might be right for the lead, prepare that. I went in and I met Don, and you know, I didn't think it went that well to be honest. Then I got called back and the studio wanted to make sure I was soft and likable enough. My manager had me go back in with big eyelashes and a flower dress - and then I got it, I was really surprised. Don told me later that they had conflicting theories about me being "Chucky's Kid" they thought it might be confusing, but he thought it might be confusing in a surprising way, it's really an open ended question. I don't think the story in the movie says I'm his kid at all.

MS: Are you a horror fan yourself?

FD: Well, I wasn't one forever and when I was cast in this my boyfriend at the time was a horror writer and told me "You need to figure out what you are doing." So, I went back and watched a lot of the old stuff and have become a fan of the genre. A great horror film is the best, most primal stuff you can watch.

MS: The original "Halloween" is the first horror film my Dad took me to and it scared the shit out of me.

FD: Yeah, totally! My feeling is good writing is good writing, Don is a good writer.

Fiona at the Season 4 "True Blood" Premiere
MS: He is. Let's talk about another horror credit you have you played "Casey" a Witch in Marnie's coven on season four of...

FD: From "True Blood", yeah (laughs) that was really fun! Wait, I'm sorry I'm actually at a restaurant with the "Chucky" doll, because I am taking him to a friend's bar for the next couple of days. What happened while I was talking was the waiter just came up and tried to hit "Chucky" in the back. (laughs) It's probably the most expensive thing I own and I'm like "No"!

MS: Jeeze doesn't he know he's not real? (laughs) You were in "The Master" which was controversial as it is based around the beliefs of Scientology.

FD: Paul Thomas Anderson is one of my favorite Directors. I think "Magnolia" is one of the great American Masterpieces. I shot a lot of things most of it got cut out, I ended basically not being in the movie, that happened to so many people that were in that movie. The final cut is pretty much like a skeleton of what the original movie was. It 's OK, I got upset, but I got over it.

MS: What's your take on Scientology?

FD: I am secular, but I have a respect for organized religion. Do whatever you want Scientologists, I don't really think it's a cult, just like I don't think being Mormon is a cult, it's people making beliefs and rituals in their lives. To each his own. I was actually audited by them to prepare for the role, and that was kind of interesting and they never stopped calling me after which was kind of annoying.

MS: Tell everyone, what are you going to be for Halloween?

FD: I still haven't figured it out. God, I don't know yet, maybe I will be a houseplant! (laughs)

Follow Fiona on Twitter at:

Go beyond "Chucky" on IMDB:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Valarie Pettiford Is Out For Blood - "True Blood"

This just in, "Entertain Me" friend and favorite Valarie Pettiford is out for "Blood"...!

I first interviewed Valarie about her collection of lullabies "Velvet Sky" on Chorus and Verse and for "ET" in October of 2012, you can jump to it here!

Well the multifaceted Ms. Pettiford has landed herself a two episode arc on the hit HBO show "True Blood" read more!

Award-winning star of stage and screen, Valarie Pettiford, is joining the cast of HBO’s top-rated Sunday night drama, True Blood, in a recurring role for their sixth season. She will appear in a two-episode arc starting in Episode 7: “World Without End,” which is scheduled to air on July 28, 2013.

“Working on this show has been a delicious experience,” says Valarie. “It has been an absolute joy to work with a cast of this caliber. Everyone has been so lovely – they say it starts at the top, and on True Blood, it really does.”

From the Broadway stage to independent short films, from blockbusters to music video cameos, this Fosse-trained dancer’s work draws attention. Valarie has a long list of accolades, including a Tony Award nomination, NAACP Awards nominations and Best Actress honors for the festival short ‘The Response.’ Valarie’s resume boasts national tours (Dancin’Show Boat), hit sitcoms (Half and HalfHouse of Payne) and big-budget studio films (Stomp the YardJumping the Broom). Her second album, Velvet Sky, a collection of original lullabies, was released last fall. Additionally, she has been sanctioned by the Fosse/Verdon estate to reconstruct the maestro’s choreography for a new generation of dancers in master classes in New York City. She is teaching with fellow Fosse-alum Lloyd Culbreath.

True Blood airs Sunday nights at 9:00 PM on HBO.

Get "Bloody" with Valarie at:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

TV Watch: "True Blood" It's In The Air

In a rural house off the coast of Southern California Sookie Stackhouse and her wanna be vampire companion Michael Shinafelt live in harmony.

Every night they are driven in a limo by a mysterious driver, that only Sookie has seen. Tonight she insists they go to a underground club on skid row, Michael is fascinated and frightened all at once, is this the night he becomes a vampire…?

“True Blood” has yet to premiere, but it’s definitely in the air with it’s June 10Th Season Five promotion happening in full force.

While the above scenario is so not from the show, it was an actual dream I had last night, No, I am not joking.

Growing up I always thought being a vampire would be such a cool thing. Living forever, never growing old and always being in the drivers seat.

OK, I am an adult now, but one can still dream… despite the “shark jumping” of Season Four - I am sure the people behind this amazing show realized the error of their ways (Yeah, Marnie effen sucked, and not in a Vampire way).

My hopes for this season? All bets will be off, it will find it’s center again and kick some major a$$!

Thank you , Alan Ball for giving an amazing voice to a childhood fantasy, the one I always imagined.

Waiting sucks, but is worth it! Looking forward to hanging with Sookie, Eric & Bill again.

Bad things are coming your way June 10th on HBO!

Friday, December 16, 2011

TV Watch: True Blood Season 5

It has been officially confirmed, after an initial press leak,  that Christopher Meloni, formerly of "Law & Order SVU" (Special Victims Unit, for those who need an acronymn translation) is coming to season 5 of my beloved "True Blood" (A special shout out to Debby Holiday for my intitial alert to the leak) ....

According to the press release he is playing a "powerful and ancient vampire" uh, aren't they all?!

As a fan of both shows this has got this fang banger quite stoked, can I get a heart ripped from someone's chest high five?!

No word yet on whether he is a good vampire or a bad vampire, I am guessing he is a total bad ass, and after last years annoying and lackluster villain Marnie (yes, she of the over articulated voice and a demeanor that only an infant could fear) I can't wait for someone as fierce as Mr. Meloni to let loose his devil inside..!

Here's to plenty of  "doing bad things to you"  on the upcoming season of "True Blood" Meloni style...

"Waiting Sucks"! Indeed....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Checking In With: Debby Holiday

Debby Holiday rocks, oh, and has a great dance beat too. With Billboard hits such as “Dive” and “Bring It On” Debby is a one of a kind Rock-N-Roll dance diva! 

My fellow “True Blood” fan is here to chat about her upcoming single, movie and intimacy…OK Debby, let’s rock!

MS: Hey Fellow Fang Banger how are you?

DH: That’s so weird I was just trying to call you and the line was busy, that’s because you were trying to call me.

MS: It must be serendipity since we are both “True Blood” fans! (both laugh) Thanks for alerting me that Christopher Meloni will be joining the cast.

DH: And you know he will be hot! (both laugh)

MS: And you know Russell is back next season and it has to be Pam that let him out.

DH: Of course she is pissed off at Eric, her maker because he doesn’t love her the way he used to, he loves Sookie.

MS: Yeah, Sookie and her “precious fairy vagina.”

DH: Right? I mean she is cute and everything, but c’mon y’all! Who would commit suicide over “fairy pussy”? (both laugh)

MS: Let’s talk about “An Intimate Evening With Debby Holiday.”

DH: You know, I love my dance diva stuff, it’s so much fun. Between that and my TV & Film licensing, It pays my bills, it’s my living. But I perform by myself, to tracks…this is the saddest story and I don’t know if you want to print it, but I had four shows back to back in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. About six months ago. I performed on stage doing maybe four or five songs, I got to the fourth song and I said, for our next song, and I turned around as if there was a band there. I thought “Oh my God I have lost my mind”! I missed playing with my band so much that they were there as imaginary band members. (laughs) I miss them.

MS: I bet.

DH: It’s cost prohibitive trying to do local Los Angeles shows. So I thought how do I perform and pay my band well?

With all my diva stuff I am always belting, there is a whole other side of my voice I am not using, I thought "you know I want to sing some of my softer stuff and original songs" and that is where I came up with my intimate evening. My first one is a private party this week.

MS: You also have a single coming out in January.

DH: Yes, I do, it’s called “Never Give Up” and it’s with DJ Phil B. - who I love!

MS: I’m not familiar with him.

DH: He’s a handsome Brit with a heart of gold. Every time I see him he is nothing but hugs and love and smiles. He’s just squishy yummy! I was so happy when he called me and said: “I have this song, I keep hearing your voice on it and I think we should do it.” I thought: “If you keep talking to me like that, I’ll do whatever you want”! (laughs)

MS: Too funny!

DH: It’s a cover of a song by Yolanda Adams and it’s really, really great! I love it because it is so positive. The song is out the middle of January, and Phil B’s mix is amazing!

MS: Your idea for an intimate evening is great BTW everything is so detached these days.

DH: It’s funny the other day I was iChatting with someone, then it hit me, we live three blocks away, I said: "Do you want to meet at the Coffee Bean and actually talk in person"? She was like: “Oh, yeah”…we left our homes and went outside and actually saw each other’s faces.

MS: That really puts your intimate evenings into context.

DH: Yes, it’s real and it’s happening right now, which is not the same as performing to a track, which I love too, I just would like to add that live connection with other human beings on stage together to what I do.

MS: Rumor has it you are making your movie debut soon.

DH: Starting in February, I’m getting really excited about being in the movie “The Trials and Tribulations of a Trailer Trash Housewife.” It’s the Del Shore’s play I was in for almost 4 years…it’s almost finished and goes to film festivals next year. Octavia Spencer from “The Help” is in it, plus some other really amazing co-stars, Beth Grant & Dale Dickey & David Steen. Also I get to sing and wear some really awesome red dresses throughout the entire film.

MS: Congrats, Ms. Holliday.

Get Intimate With Debby:

Friday, October 7, 2011

TV Watch: "Revenge" Is Sweeeeet!

After what will forever be known as “The Hour Of My Life I Want Back” also known as the new “Charlie’s Angels” which I merely stated I wanted to see in the last edition of TV Watch (keep in mind I hadn’t seen it at that point).

Well I am pleased to announce that I have found my official replacement for my “True Blood” addiction - a nasty little show called: “Revenge”

Emily Thorne wants it, and grrrrrrrrrrrrrrl is going to get her some, revenge that is!

Really I can not give too many of the twist and turns of the plot away, because it would take a thesis paper to cover them all - but suffice it to say, this show fills my void and will keep me going until my beloved “True Blood” is back next summer.

Emily Van Camp (from “Brothers & Sisters“), plays, well, Emily Thorne and is perfectly cast, she has the kind of poker face and look that does not betray what lies beneath.

Madeline Stowe as her nemesis, Victoria Grayson, plays herself quite well and is one scary beotch!

However my hat goes off to Gabriel Mann as Nolan Ross, no one says smarmy sleaze bag more when the camera hits them than the Mann, Gabriel.

Quite entertaining and well thought out, if you want “Revenge” this one will give you a vicarious thrill until you can get your act together and do it yourself!