Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Bye, Bye,Bye

That Time When...
NSYNC, Ellen DeGeneres & Carson Daly
When boy band NSYNC disbanded in 2002, I never thought we would hear from them again collectively as a group, individually, of course, but as a whole unit?! 

Just when you thought it was safe to walk down Hollywood Blvd. NSYNC got their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, yesterday, April 30th 2018. Hence me titling this entry "Bye, Bye, Bye" because it is the only song by the boys that I can recall.

"No" I was not one of their fans. Seriously I don't think I am the target audience for a boy band, not being a teenage girl.

But, when I saw this image of them with Ellen DeGeneres & Carson Daly in tow...WTF?! It made me nostalgic for a simpler, sillier time in the history of the world. "Yes" sometimes I have odd triggers.

So let's kick off this first of May, or May Day as it were with some good vibes. You know you want them.

NSYNC on the WWW at:

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday Motivation

Would You Like A Slice?
Jon Hamm
While speaking with a friend of mine yesterday he mentioned seeing Jon Hamm in the current flick Beirut. He praised Hamm and the film. There's a tongue twister "Hamm and the film" say it three times fast c'mon, I dare ya.

Needless to say the conversation got me Jon Hamm dreamin' - "Yes" I started thinking about the sexy guy with the um, special delivery between his legs. 

Thus here he is in retro swim trunks during the shooting of Mad Men, one of my favorite TV Shows evuh. 

What's that? How is he Monday Motivation? Because Hamm's body is a hot regular guys body, not overly pumped but in good shape. Something that is attainable.

Having lost 40 lbs. recently having a body like his is my current goal, one I have almost reached.

So Happy Monday, time for me to have some private motivation with Jon!

Jon on IMDB:

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Just Because...Nyle DiMarco

My What A Big Snake You Have!!!
Nyle DiMarco

Just Because he won America's Next Top Model & Dancing With The Stars, Just Because he has shattered barriers and stereotypes of what it means to be deaf and Just Because he has a really big snake...Ladies & Gentlemen it's Nyle DiMarco!

If there was ever a motivation to learn sign language, Nyle would be it for me. 

While Nyle slayed with his pose striking ways on ANTM, he blew us away on DWTS! He moved like a pro, even though he has never heard music once in his entire life. He has way more rhythm than me that's for sure.

So when I found this provocative image of Mr. DiMarco and a really big snake on the WWW I just had to post it. While Nyle is amazing at so many things, lest we forget, he is also a fine piece of Man Candy.

Lick him up peeps!

Nyle on Instagram:

Saturday, April 28, 2018

I Wanna Be Your Dog

What's wrong with the world going to the dogs???

Dogs Of Democracy coming to DVD on June 12th via EPF Media

A film about the stray dogs of Athens and the people who take care of them...
A universal story about love and loyalty.

"A powerful film narrative, the stray dogs of central Athens are transformed from mere symbols of a peculiar freedom to witnesses of a heart-wrenching human crisis." 
- Yanis Varoufakis, Greek economist, academic and politician
Dogs of Democracy is a documentary about the stray dogs of Athens and the people who take care of them. Filmmaker Mary Zournazi explores life on the streets through the eyes of the dogs and peoples' experience. Shot on location in Athens, the birthplace of democracy, the documentary is about how Greece has become the 'stray dogs of Europe', and how the dogs have become a symbol of hope for the people and for the anti-austerity movement. A universal story about love and loyalty and what we might learn from animals.

  • Best Documentary - 2017 Imagine This Women's International Film Festival, Brooklyn NY
  • Spirit of Activism Award, Nevada Women's Film Festival
  • Impact Documentary Award
  • Spotlight Documentary Award
  • Shortlisted Telling Tales International Film and Audio Festival

Mary Zournazi is an Australian author, philosopher, and filmmaker. She wrote, directed and filmed Dogs of Democracy (2016), which is an essay style documentary about the stray dogs of Athens and the people who take care of them. She is the author of several books including Hope - New Philosophies for Change and Inventing Peace with the German filmmaker Wim Wenders. She teaches in the sociology program at the University of New South Wales, Australia.

For press images, study guides, etc, go HERE

Pre-order at the MVD Shop

Friday, April 27, 2018


Donna Summer
Last night's Giorgio Moroder Birthday Concert in Los Angeles, got me thinking about one of the dance music pioneers most prolific collaborators, the late great Donna Summer.

This is a "you had to be there" moment to understand what an impact these two made in the dance world. Let me put it this way, while I have never been a huge fan of dance music these two took it to a whole other dimension, it was, and still is real and spectacular!

So I thought to myself, self why don't we celebrate this Friday April 27, 2018 with one of their unions, the monster hit song from the movie Thank God It's Friday, a little ditty you may have heard of called Last Dance

I'm gifting you with it, right here, right now.


Donna on the WWW at:

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Michael's Musings

Selfie Portrait
Michael Shinafelt
"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are foot steps on the moon" 

The above quote is life! Read it an absorb it. If you ever told me at 52 I would be my personal best when I was younger, I would have laughed. 

Well surprise, surprise I recently dropped 40 lbs. "Yes" I blew up to 213  and am now down to 173 lbs. Hence the selfie portrait this week. It's me right here, right now. My next goal is to drop to 165I've got this, and so do you whatever it is you want.Time to get busy!

Life would be so easy if we could all be insincere, luckily most of us can't

Don't go chasing butterflies, especially biracial, bisexual ones

The RHOBH reunion part ince aired this weak, um, I mean week

You, yes you, are dirty and need your booty washed out by cloud soap

Say it, forget it. Write it, regret it.

Don't you love farce? "No" personally I love Yellow Baby Buggy Bumpers 

Just read a headline that states: Taylor Swift Teases - OK, tell me something new

Shout out to Kyla Coleman the recent winner of America's Next Top Model. I admire her fearlessness.
Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy, Tom Hardy, Tom Hardy

My Bitch Face will rest when it's work is done

Get a F#cking EDM Sharpie

Liar, liar ho on fire!

When I think about you I ______ it's time to fill in that blank again kiddies

My finger is on the trigger at: