Monday, May 31, 2021

Monday Motivation

Downward Gaga
Lady Gaga

It's Memorial Day and I  am getting myself ready and focused for the week ahead, thus it's time for some good old fashioned Monday Motivation in the form of yoga.

Here we see Lady Gaga striking a yoga pose, me?! I will be striking my pose adjacent to the Douglas Fairbanks Memorial in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery this ayem. 

"Yes" that's correct Minions Hollywood Forever has been having yoga there for a majority of the Pandemic and it is real and spectacular. Not to mention quiet and I have yet to see any dead people, just their markers.

So gird your loins and get all downward dog with me, won't you? Or perhaps take a hike.

Yoga is my jam and exactly the Monday Motivation I need to clear my head and make me chill for the week ahead.

What's on your  agenda?

Hollywood Forever on the WWW -

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Just Because...John Krasinski Day!

Smiles Everyone, Smiles...
John Krasinski

Just Because it's Memorial Day Weekend, Just Because A Quiet Place Part II opened to rave reviews & Just Because he's so darned cute, it's John Krasinski Day!

Look at John all smiles (adorbs) at a screening of A Quiet Place Part II in Los Angeles. As well he should be. The second installment has gotten stellar reviews for it's Writer/Director/Star it's earned a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes! "Yes" imagine that, a sequel that is actually good and adds to it's predecessor Hmmmmmmm...

On top of that, it's a shoo in to be the number one grossing movie over the Memorial Day Weekend.

Thus I hereby decree May 30, 2021 John Krasinksi Day! Hey he's earned it, oh, and also he's just so darned cute 😉

John on IG -

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Saturday Sinema: What's Up Doc?

When I saw that my buddy Jay Jacobson wrote up one of my favorite comedies of all time What's Up Doc? on his classic movie blog, well I just had to share his insights and knowledge with all of you!

It stars Ryan O'Neal and Barbara Streisand along with the great Madeline Kahn.

Rather than me carry on, how about I leave you in Jay's expert hands with the link to his great write-up below. Sounds like the perfect plan to me. 

Enjoy the magic Minions!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Acting Trashy

Taking Out The Trash
Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher aka Princess Leia of the Star Wars fame had a razor sharp sense of humor as most of you know, But what I didn't know was how trashy she really acted. "Yes" I came across this montage of images featuring Carrie in, well trash cans.

It isn't clear if these "Trashy Cheek" (Cheek as in Chic/Cheeky, yeah I made up a new term) photos are all part of the same shoot or a couple of individual ones. From the looks of they were shot by the same photographer at the same time, "Yes" I am Michael Photo Detective!

Moving on...I love these photos as they capture Ms. Fisher and her wicked (in a good way) wit and her lust for living.

I'll simply leave these here for you to project your own thoughts and feelings on to them, T.G.I.F! & Carrie On!!!

Carrie on Wikipedia -

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Michael's Musings

Do I Have Any F#cks? Not One, Go Fish!
Michael Shinafelt

For some odd reason that only the shadow knows, giving Zero F#cks was my jam this past week. Was it calculated? Uh, no, yet somehow friends kept sending me a plethora of Memes and TikTok videos addressing this very subject matter. Thus it took on a life, mine in particular of it's own.

Buckle up Minions you are in for a perpendicular ride!!!

Maybe if we wait just a little bit longer a F#ck will fall into my hand and I can give it to you

Finally saw Run starring Sarah Paulson, it was like a modern take on Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Oh yes, it was campy like the latter as well!

I cum in peace, think about it, but not too much

Does your babysitter laugh when you stop, look & listen?

Before there were emojis, there was Lucy, as in I Love Lucy, not the one in the sky with diamonds

What happens when a Nun and a Clown are alone together in the same room?

Ewan McGregor is great in Halston, that is all

The guy in the middle, yeah him, what is he, skiing???

Woman Crush of the Week - Crystal Minkoff. The newest cast member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is really bringing it!!!

Sometimes your shadow has more fun than you, the more you know...

Dear McDonald's I didn't order a Mc WAP 

Why does the albino squirrel come to your door, stare at you and rubs it's nipples?!

There's something in the corner of your room at night, making you aware

I need some sort of warning label attached to my person

Find out what here:

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Hump Day & Chill

Who's Hotter?
William Shatner & Leonard Nimoy

Here's something shall we say rather unique, this week's Hump Day & Chill is dedicated to all you Trekkies out there who found Captain Kirk (William Shatner) or Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) of Star Trek fame, dare we say "out of this world."

Leave it to Tye Briggs via his Favorite Hunks & Other Things blog to dedicate a post to the classic TV show with copious images of a shirtless Kirk and Spock on it. 

Oh wait, there's more, skin that is...did you know that William Shatner did a love scene where he appeared nude with Angie Dickinson in Big Bad Mama? Yeah, there's that.

Wait for it, and that Leonard Nimoy also appeared nude in the movie Catlow? Whether you did or did not, all you need for today's Hump Day & Chill is a lust for Kirk or Spock, perhaps both, stirring in your loins.

Blast off at the link below!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Jesus Christ Movie Star

BearManor Media Announces June 7 Release

Of Jesus Christ Movie Star, a New Book by Phil Hall

BearManor Media is proud to present Jesus Christ Movie Star, the new book by the award-winning film historian and podcaster Phil Hall. The 176-page illustrated book will be available beginning on June 7 in a $22.00 paperback edition and a $32.00 hardcover edition.
The life of Jesus Christ has challenged and inspired filmmakers from the pioneering works of the late 1890s through today’s digital cinema. No other life story has been the subject of so many films, with so many wildly different interpretations. 
The big screen Jesus has traveled through multimillion dollar epics and microbudget underground films, recreating the miracles of the Gospels while also advocating for modern political issues. Moviegoers have seen Jesus walk on water and conquer death, and also break into show tunes and play straight man to a zany Bette Midler. Films about Jesus have inspired a diverse range of controversies, ranging from a groundbreaking copyright infringement lawsuit brought by Thomas Edison to an intellectual scandal that rocked the 1964/65 New York World’s Fair to accusations of anti-Semitism against Mel Gibson’s distinctive interpretation of the New Testament. 
Phil Hall, author of the critically acclaimed books The History of Independent Cinema and In Search of Lost Films and host of the award-winning podcast The Online Movie Show, takes the reader on the most extraordinary odyssey in cinematic studies by tracing how filmmakers from across the years and around the world have sought to fill theaters with the story of Jesus. Beloved classics and bizarre curios are part of this memorable journey as the “light of the world” brings illumination through the lens of a movie projector.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday Motivation

Get The Party Started!
Pink & Daughter Willow

While very few of are able to fly with the greatest of ease from a trapeze or anything like it hanging in mid air. Leave it to Pink, who won the Icon Award at last night's BBMA's to show off her acrobatic skills yet again with daughter Willow along ride.

Thus this is all the Monday Motivation you need to kick your week off. That's correct Minions, it's let loose your inner acrobat and push it, real good!

Everyone has an inner acrobat and something that holds them back from reaching those acrobatic heights. You do realize at this point I am using acrobat as a metaphor I hope. I certainly don't think everyone can do the Mother/Daughter act that Pink and Willow did last night. This being stated there are many extraordinary things that each of us as individuals are capable of and know we can achieve, yet...

You get the picture. 

It's a new day, and a new week, Monday Motivation is here and it's going to ride you like the horse you are so just do it!

Pink on IG -  

Sunday, May 23, 2021

"Gotta Find A Way"

Lo-Flo Records To Release

One Day At A Time

A Historic Collection of Soul/Jazz/Ragtime/Pop Recordings

Written by Prolific Composer Jane McNealy


1st Single, “Gotta Find A Way,” out May 21

2nd Single, “Slim Gourmet,” due out June 11

Album out June 18, 2021

Lo-Flo Records is set to release its second collection of historic recordings written by the prolific jazz/funk/soul composer Jane McNealy, titled One Day At A Time. The album draws from material originally created over the past forty years, beginning in the 1960s and revisited as recently as 2017. This subsequent installment marks an inspired continuation of McNealy’s effort to highlight some of the best work of her extensive career, in addition to her latest compositions. The release date is set for June 18, 2021. In advance of McNealy's sophomore album, Lo-Flo will release two singles. Lead single “Gotta Find A Way,” featuring Lydia Marcelle, is out May 21, while the second single, “Slim Gourmet,” is due out June 11. The full length will be available on digital platforms as well as in limited quantities of vinyl and CD. To learn more about Lo-Flo, please visit

Featuring legendary musicians and vocalists such as Lydia Marcelle, Judy Karp, Veronica Scheyving, Henry Butler, and Harold Battiste Jr., among others, One Day At A Time is a testament to McNealy’s wide-ranging connections in the national scene. The collection emphasizes her talent for combining various elements of the jazz movement to create a consistently robust and impressive catalogue of music that transcends time, space, and genre.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Saturday Sinema: Mackintosh and T.J.


Newly Restored 4K Edition Of Mackintosh and T.J. Starring The Legendary Roy Rogers In His Final Film Appearance Coming May 18th
Featuring music by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, the American Western
is set for debut on Blu-ray and DVD via Verdugo Entertainment and MVD

Verdugo Entertainment will launch the newly restored 4K version of the 1975 classic Mackintosh and T.J. on Blu-ray and DVD. The modern day American western stars the legendary “King of the Cowboys” Roy Rogersin his final feature film appearance. 
Distributed by Verdugo Entertainment and MVD Entertainment Group, the film is also streaming now on Amazon Prime, Vudu, You Tube and Google Play. 
Mackintosh and T.J. is described as “a moving photo album of ranch life in Texas in the mid-1970s.” Screenwriter Paul Savage, most known for his TV work in Wagon Train, Big Valley, and Gunsmoke, penned the film specifically with Roy Rogers in mind. The film is one of the few in which Roy Rogers did not play himself, portraying instead the title character of Mackintosh, a veteran ranch hand. 
In the film, wandering through rural Texas ranch country, Mackintosh becomes a father figure for the young and homeless T.J. (Clay O’Brien) and helps him to stay on track. They land jobs on the ranch of Jim Webster, where Mackintosh proves his skills as a horse tamer. When a murder takes place, Mackintosh is framed which leads to dramatic events. 

The film was restored to 4K from the original 35MM camera negative, including audio cleanup and went through a color correction process to match the original film. Colorist Sean Lawrence comments, “Our color correction approach was to try and be as true to the original intention and not impose modern color correction aesthetics. Were the filmmakers alive to see it, we would want them to feel that this matched their original vision.”
Mackintosh and TJ’s original score is by Waylon Jennings and the soundtrack features songs by Jennings and country music icon Willie Nelson.
The film was recently spotlighted in the What is a Western? Interview Series: Ranching, Rodeo and Roy Rogers produced by The Autry Museum and featuring a lively discussion with rodeo world champion Larry Mahan (who also has a role in the movie), and film historians C. Courtney Joyner and Stuart Rosebrook. The panelists discuss the realistic portrayal of 20th century rodeo and ranching life in movies, particularly in Roy Rogers’ final film, and explore the significance of the Western genre and the ways in which the movies shape our understanding of the American West.

Watch the full episode here:
“It isn’t a Roy Rogers movie, it’s a wonderful movie that Roy Rogers is in that reflects quite a bit of 1970’s sensibility,” says Joyner.
“Roy Rogers’ character Mackintosh seems to be an amalgamation of some of those characters we saw in Junior Bonner, J W Coop, The Honkers - men out of time, men who have values, who still follow the ‘Code of The West.’ So that message came across very strong,” comments Rosebrook.
“Producer Tim Penland wanted to do older style Westerns,” explains Mahan. “He had quite an extensive Christian background, and he wanted to get away from what he saw in Westerns, as there was too much violence, and he wanted to do something that was more in line with his values.”  

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers

I'm A Tigger Too!
Henry Cavill

"But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is, I'm the only one" - The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers, Richard M Sherman & Robert B Sherman

Surely you recall Tigger from Winnie The Pooh and his theme song The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers. Well according to said song as seen in the lyrics above, pump the brakes Tigger that isn't exactly true!

Check out one Henry Cavill above looking very much like, well, a Tigger!!! 

Thus giving leverage to the argument that, Tigger, you really aren't the only one, so there!

Making me wonder when will there be a Winnie The Pooh special that includes BOTH Tiggers and what kind of face off will they have???

Will it be a calm existential conversation or will it be a WWE SmackDown type of thing?

I vote Tigger SmackDown 100%, how about you?!

Henry on IG -  

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Michael's Musings

Something's In The Air
Michael Shinafelt

There's something in the air of late, literally. What with Space X, UFO's and everyday common place airplanes so much air, so little time, oh wait that's so many men so little time. Whatever...all we really need is the air that we breathe. "Yes" touche', I am now a cliche' and there you have that. OK enough of this talk about air, let's evolve!

When in doubt just wrap it in gauze and put it in a Ziploc

Personally I would never stop my yoga session to take a call from Ricky Schroder (or anything else for that matter)

Let's do a reset to our pre-pandemic weight shall we, we shall 😀

Coo in a soft, sibilant voice...

Have you seen Cruel Summer on Freeform? Dewit! 

It's not your district - you're not even from here

R.I.P. Charles Grodin - time to watch The Great Muppet Caper again

Let's make today c#nt

Woman Crush of the Week - Lisa Rinna for killing it in this outfit on last night's premiere of RHOBH

Trees be like: It's OK to hug me

Dun, dun - it's Law & Order Thursday, Yay!

Who wants to have sex to celebrate the Lil Nas X song dropping tomorrow???

Location is everything at the Pigpen Spa

I have crystal visions, find out what they are below -   

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Hump Day & Chill

Join Us?
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

After a trying 2020 things are slowly progressing back to something resembling our new normal. One of those things is the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tonight on Bravo.

How nice it will be to Hump Day & Chill with the ladies of the BH, it will feel like, well business as usual and that brings me a certain comfort. Beverly Hills is my favorite in the real housewives franchise, which truly isn't saying too much since the only other one I watch is the New York women. 

While I am bummed that Denise Richards has exited I am happy to see the familiar group reunite. Plus there's a new housewife in the zip code, Crystal Kung Minkoff, she is the first Asian RHOBH cast member and from the looks of the season 11 preview she brings it!

Personally I am quivering with anticipation to bear witness to the drama that is sure to be Erika Jayne this season. With her shall we say, "current situation?" we shall!

You now know how I am going to Hump Day & Chill, join me? Or not...

RHOBH on the WWW -

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Jive Talkin'




In Double Talkin’ Jive (Available September 7, 2021) legendary drummer Matt Sorum takes music lovers behind the scenes of a remarkable life in rock. Sorum, whose albums have sold tens of millions of copies around the world, provides an honest, engaging account of the highs and lows of superstardom. Sorum recounts his childhood years idolizing Ringo Starr and surviving an abusive stepfather. After leaving high school, Sorum sold pot to get by. Over time, his drug dealing escalated to smuggling large quantities of cocaine, a career that came to a halt following a dramatic shoot-out. Sorum fled his old life and settled in Hollywood, where he’d enjoy a rapid ascension to rock ’n’ roll immortality. He caught his big break drumming for the Cult, and only a year later was invited to join Guns N’ Roses, with whom he’d record two of rock’s most iconic albums: Use Your Illusion 1 and 2.


The Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame inductee & Grammy Award winning Sorum opens up with forthright honesty, sharing anecdotes from his time touring the globe, battling drug and alcohol addiction, as well as working with Axl Rose, one of the greatest frontmen in rock, Slash and the rest of the GNR team. His career with the Cult, Guns N’ Roses, Velvet Revolver, Motörhead, the Hollywood Vampires, and Kings of Chaos costars an ensemble of rock royalty, from Billy Idol to Steven Tyler, Billy F Gibbons and Alice Cooper.


Double Talkin’ Jive goes beyond the clichés of sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll, telling the very human story of what it takes to make it in music, and the toll stardom exacts from those who achieve success. Sorum invites fans to revel in the debauchery of the good times, but also paints a stark portrait of life after the party. Music fans of any generation will find value in the pages of this evocative, thoughtful, and candid autobiography.

 “A colorfully dark look into the f * * * ed-up psyche of a legendary and badass drummer. I want to read it over and over.” — Jonas Åkerland, Film Director

Available in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook,including a signed limited-edition hardcover with vinyl audiobook bundle, narrated and performed by Matt Sorum

Signed preorders bundles ship August 2021—Preorder at -HERE

Trade hardcover, e-book, and audiobook formats wherever books are sold Sept 7th, 2021


In addition, Hardware, the third solo album from ZZ Top frontman Billy Gibbons, is set for release June 4 on Concord Records. The album was produced & written by Gibbons along with Matt Sorum.  The album release is preceded by the first two singles “West Coast Junkie” HERE  and  “My Lucky Card” HERE. Sorum co-wrote the tracks and also serves as Hardware’s drummer.


“Chasing Whiskey” sdtrk w/Matt Sorum & Shooter JenningsHERE


Follow Matt Sorum here:




Official website:   

Monday, May 17, 2021

A Side Of Mayo...

A Little Dab Will Do Ya!
Blake Lively

Ever wonder how Blake Lively keeps her blonde tresses so shiny? Well guess what Minions the answer is lurking in your refrigerator!

Blake uses mayonnaise to strengthen her hair and to keep it from drying out. Apparently she learned this tip from her Mother. 

Ms. Lively states:

“My mom taught me this really great beauty tip. She used to put oil or mayonnaise on the bottom half of her hair before she would shower," Lively said. "That way, when she would shampoo, the soap wouldn’t strip the bottom of the hair and dry it out, making it brittle.”

There you have it, I hope you found this a useful way to kick off your week. If not, well make the best of it...ciao and Happy Monday!!!

Blake on IG -

Sunday, May 16, 2021

I Love A Man In Uniform

Are You Going To Arrest Me Officer?
Harry Styles

"The girls they love to see you shoot, I love a man in uniform"
I Love A Man In Uniform, Gang of Four 

Look it's fashion daredevil Harry Styles dressed up for a night out as a Policeman...NOT! While I wouldn't ever put it past Harry to wear a Police uniform as a fashion statement it turns out he is actually playing one of the men in blue for the upcoming film My Policeman. 

"As If" his fans don't swoon over Styles enough now they get to see him in a uniform, and we all know that kicks it up many notches on the hotness meter.

No word on the size of Harry's bill club as of yet...

Time to hit it running with your pants on the ground Minions!!!

Harry on IG -

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Saturday Sinema: The Stylist

"A delicate, deranged glimpse into social anxiety and loneliness"

     —Marisa Mirabal, Slashfilm

Obsession gets a makeover in The Stylist, a deliciously twisted slice of female-led psychological horror, nominated for the New Visions Award for Best Motion Picture at the 2020 Sitges International Film Festival and based on co-writer/director Jill Gevargizian's award-winning short film of the same name. We all dream of being someone else... but for Claire (Najarra Townsend, Contracted), that dream goes from an obsession to a living nightmare. Hairstylist by day, serial killer and collector of scalps by night, Claire's lonely existence is thrown into turmoil when her regular client, Olivia (Brea Grant, After Midnight, Lucky), asks her to style her hair for her wedding day. Increasingly fixated on Olivia's seemingly flawless life, Claire vows to lock up her scalp collection and change her ways for good - only to discover that repressing your deadly desires is easier said than done... Featuring striking visuals and pitch-perfect performances from its talented cast, The Stylist offers viewers "a delicately deranged glimpse into social anxiety and loneliness" (Slashfilm) - a bold and mesmerizing debut feature from a filmmaker to watch.


 Watch trailer »

Bonus Materials

  • Limited Edition Blu-ray and Soundtrack CD collection
  • High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation
  • Original DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 audio
  • Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
  • Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sara Deck
  • Double-sided fold-out poster
  • Illustrated collector’s booklet featuring new writing on the film by Emma Westwood and a gallery of exclusive location scouting photographs
  • Audio commentary by co-writer/producer/director Jill Gevargizian and actress/producer Najarra Townsend
  • Exclusive Blu-ray introduction by Jill Gevargizian
  • The Invisible Woman, an exclusive visual essay by author and critic Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, exploring the themes of women’s labor and female killers in The Stylist and horror cinema
  • The Stylist – Behind the Scenes, a series of eight behind-the-scenes featurettes on different aspects of the film’s production, featuring interviews with the cast and crew
  • Location scouting featurette
  • Outtakes
  • Original Kickstarter video
  • The original 2016 The Stylist short film directed by Jill Gevargizian and starring Najarra Townsend, that inspired the main feature
  • Pity, a 2016 short film directed by The Stylist’s editor, John Pata, and executive produced by Jill Gevargizian, with an optional introduction by Pata
  • Teaser trailer
  • Theatrical trailer
  • Image galleries
  • CD containing the original The Stylist Soundtrack

Order Here:

Friday, May 14, 2021

"Cover Boy"

Stewart Taylor



Stewart Taylor’s “Cover Boy” is a modern pop track with a seventies’ throwback vibe about falling in love, knowing your self-worth in a relationship, and not playing mind games along the way. Produced by DWhit and co-written by Taylor with his longtime collaborator Benjamin Samama, the song also draws inspiration from bold men who take chances with their style and aren't afraid to be both masculine and feminine, glamorous and rough around the edges.  “James Dean, Marlon Brando, Harry Styles, and Timothée Chalamet are by far my favorite cover boys,” says Stewart Taylor.   “I've always had a soft spot for the old school, brooding, classic Hollywood types.”  Stewart Taylor’s “Cover Boy” is being distributed independently and is available on Apple Music, Spotify, and all digital platforms.  Its video is available on YouTube.

“I was inspired to write ‘Cover Boy’ after landing my first magazine cover for my last single, ‘Mess Your Hair Up’,” Stewart Taylor continues from his Los Angeles home.  “I had just started dating someone new and the idea came to me when I felt like he wasn’t making enough of an effort to take things to the next level. I wanted to be his cover boy. I wanted to be front and center; the starring role in his life. The relationship didn't end up working out but it was a great premise for a song!”

“Cover Boy” expands both sonically and vocally from Taylor’s previous release, “Mess Your Hair Up”.   “I've evolved a lot as an artist over the years. I’ve tried on different sounds and outfits, stripped those things away, started over, and have rebuilt and rebranded myself into what I feel is the most authentic me in the moment.  I've come into my own with my music, dance, and fashion and everything I do now is a lot more influenced by funk and R&B while still staying very pop.”

Stewart Taylor sings in a sexier, lower tone on “Cover Boy,” reminiscent of early Robin Thicke.

The music video reflects his evolution as an artist.  Directed by Brad Hammer and styled by Kiki Xtravaganza and Kályd Odeh, the video is vintage, stylish, flirty and joyful.   Taylor turns out many different looks from Guess, Versace, and Chanel; surrounding himself with old vintage magazines, Polaroids, and a stereo from 1982.  He even dons a triangle jacket that pays homage to Madonna and the movie Desperately Seeking Susan

“I love bringing little moments from the past and carrying them into the future like that in videos. Hopefully some of the hardcore Madonna fans will get the reference!” 

Stewart Taylor is an LA-based singer, songwriter, dancer, and MMG model. He grew up in a small town outside of New York City, where he began writing songs and performing in local talent shows and Lower East Side clubs. Since graduating from Berklee College of Music in Boston, he's collaborated with Grammy-nominated songwriters and producers Charlie Puth, (Wiz Khalifa) Kara DioGuardi, (P!nk, Katy Perry) Jayson DeZuzio, (Imagine Dragons) and David Pramik (Selena Gomez).

In addition to writing for himself, Stewart Taylor has penned songs for Romanian pop star Antonia and American Idol's David Hernandez.   He is an active voice in the LGBTQ+ community and his coming out story was featured in the New York Times bestselling book, It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating A Life Worth Living.

“I struggled through this last year of pandemic,” he reveals, “but I'm coming out of it wiser and more driven to succeed than ever before.  I’m not waiting in the wing for the industry to shine its stage light on me.  Nor am I going to wait on the side while some guy decides whether or not he wants a real relationship.  My time is valuable and I’m not wasting another second.”

Stewart Taylor’s “Cover Boy ” is available on Apple Music, Spotify and all digital platforms.   Its video is on Youtube at  Visit  Follow on Instagram @  Stewarttaylormusic   

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Michael's Musings

"Dun Dun"
Michael Shinafelt 

Tonight is another Law & Order; SVU crossover with Law & Order: Organized Crime, "Yes!!!" Can you tell how excited I am?! Of course you can, hence the Law & Order themed image...thus I hereby decree that this weeks column has an unofficial theme, one guess as to what that is, moving forward, never sideways...PS feeling my Stabler impression???

Don't walk through the door and make fun of my muffin, the more you know

Calm down Cheese Whiskers

I would like to thank you for the meltdown

Can't wait for twice the Christopher Meloni tonight, anyone with a pulse knows why!

When you have a list of names written with red underlines...

Fact of the Day: Barbarians invented pants

Mariska Hargitay truly inhabits the role of Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU

What do you do when there is a vibrator in your chicken? 

Woman Crush of the Week - Kelli Giddish as Detective Amanda Rollins on Law & Order: SVU She nails it every episode!

Embrace your originality 

Liz Cheney was cancelled for speaking the truth, pass it on

How about that Dylan McDermott as Richard Wheatley Mafia Boss on Law & Order: Organized Crime? Is it wrong to find a Mafia Boss sexy? Asking for a friend.

Ice-T as Fin Tutuola = Perfection

You know what I'll be watching tonight, for sure!

Find out where I will be watching it here: 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Hump Day & Chill

Anthony Perkins

While Mother's Day has come and gone I came across this quite enticing post focusing on Anthony Perkins and Psycho for said day, naturally on Tye Briggs Favorite Hunks & Other Things yesterday. 

Thus today we are going to Hump Day & Chill to the late, great Mr. Perkins a guy who I admittedly had a crush on after my first viewing of, well, Psycho. What's that you say? How could I crush on Norman Bates? Well I was crushing on Perkins, hey he was one handsome dude, not to mention he imbued Norman with mega watt charm. How else could Norman get away with what he did for so long? I ask you, not sure why I did because I know you will not answer.

Apparently Tye dug up the only nude scene Anthony did (unfortunately it was only a booty shot) in a film called Ten Days Wonder. However there is some VPL in the piece that shows Mr. Perkins sporting a barely there bathing suit.

So here we are with another edition of Hump Day & Chill, you know you want to, so click on the link below and get to it Minions!!!