Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Got Milk?

Angelina Jolie
I have always had a fascination with the "Got Milk?" ads. As a non milk drinker (ugh!) this hard sell campaign featured celebrities at their most silly.

Can you imagine how over the moon I was that I came across this doozy with Angelina Jolie promoting Tomb Raider?! I love surfing the WWW because of the random things that I find while researching something else, it's awesome!

Thus with Maleficent: Mistress of Evil coming at ya October 18th I couldn't resist running this gem that is downright, well, goofy AF

Honestly though it does not look like Jolie posed for an actual "Got Milk?" ad. It does look like the studio took a still of her as Lara Croft and submitted it to the campaign to give the movie a PR boost.

Hmmmmmmm....I wonder if Disney will follow suit and we will see Jolie as Maleficent with a milk moustache? Now that's entertainment!

Angelina on IMDb:

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday Motivation

"I'm A Mouse, Duh!"
Gus Kenworthy
With the completely bonkers American Horror Story: 1984 in full force I thought to myself What better Monday Motivation than one of it's stars Gus Kenworthy doing his take on the "Slut Mouse" from Mean Girls?" 

I mean who could forget Amanda Seyfried's Karen Smith in nothing buy lingerie and tiny mouse ears uttering "I'm a mouse, duh!" Seriously, you really can't un-see that...and who better to do a male take on it, shirtless and oh so slutty, than Gus?

With his body I would go shirtless as often as possible, Hell I'd go completely naked as much as possible if I looked him! Fortunately Mr. Kenworthy has gotten naked for us in photos that bare his supple booty.

So file this under Monday Motivation: Halloween Goals. "Yes" I know I will never own a body like Gus', but I will trim off the little bit of extra baggage I put on after my surgery (it really wasn't that much) and next Halloween I will be a shirtless "Vampire Slut" because being a "Slut Mouse" is for major league studs, like Gus, not DILF's like me.

Gus on Instagram -

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Final Countdown...

Bend It Like Harley
Sarah Michelle Gellar
It's October the 6th and a mere 25 days left until Halloween. Thus it's time for me to get in the spirit of the month a start representing, Damn It!!!

Thus today I hereby bequeath you with Buffy The Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar as Harley Quinn, Woo Hoo!

Funny thing when I look at this, it makes me think Sarah Michelle would actually make a bad ass Harley. Can you imagine her getting up in your face crazy? I can, there are many endless possibilities to Ms. Gellar clowning around.

Think of this as Hollywood's missed opportunity.

We are in the final countdown to the most wonderful time of the year, that means more Halloween treats to come on Entertain Me...Boo!

Sarah Michelle on IG -

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Saturday Schwing!

Under My Umbrella...
Since I didn't give you your mid-week dose of male skin, I thought I would serve some up to you today. Hey, weekends were made to Schwing it, Schwing it good! 

Today, your Saturday Schwing comes n the form Dan who hails from London, England. I spied Dan while surfing Tye Briggs Favorite Hunks & Other Things

One of my favorite things that Tye does with models is interview them, I love finding out what makes them tick. I especially like when Tye asks them what made them decide to take it all off for the camera.

Dan does not disappoint with his straight forward answers. In fact a couple are quite sexy...

It's time to use your hands and click on the link below and let loose with a mighty Schwing!


Friday, October 4, 2019

Film Buff Friday: Killer Nun

Never trust a Nun, unless she's flying...

FROM THE SECRET FILES OF THE VATICAN! Aging blonde-bombshell Anita Ekberg (La Dolce Vita, Pick-up Alley) gives a full-bodied performance as a sex-crazed sister with some seriously bad habits in the lurid cult classic Killer Nun. One of the most notorious 'nunsploitation' films, Killer Nun tells the sordid story of Sister Gertrude, a disturbed woman of the cloth who degenerates into a perverse mire of drug taking, sexual perversion, sadistic torture and murder. Joe Dallesandro (The Climber, Flesh for Frankenstein), Alida Valli (The Possessed, Suspiria) and the ample Paola Morra (Behind Convent Walls) offer spirited performances and able support to Ekberg, in this shocking tale based on real events. Boasting an incongruously classy score by legendary composer Alessandro Alessandroni (Women's Camp 119) and stylishly rendered scenes of sex and murder, Killer Nun takes the viewer on hair-raising journey from the heights of religious ecstasy to the depths of devilish degeneracy. Now Giulio Berruti's sleazy classic is presented in a stunning new 2K restoration, with a liturgy of new extras, ready to be preyed upon.

Bonus Materials

  • New 2K restoration from the original 35mm camera negative
  • High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation
  • Uncompressed mono 1.0 LPCM audio
  • Original English and Italian soundtracks, titles and credits
  • Newly translated English subtitles for the Italian soundtrack
  • Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing for the English soundtrack
  • New audio commentary by Italian genre film connoisseurs Adrian J. Smith and David Flint
  • Beyond Convent Walls, a new video essay on nunsploitation and Killer Nun by critic Kat Ellinger
  • Starry Eyes, a new interview with director Giulio Berruti
  • Cut and Noise, a new interview with editor Mario Giacco
  • Our Mother of Hell, a new interview with actress Ileana Fraia
  • Original Italian and international theatrical trailers
  • Image gallery
  • Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Daryl Joyce

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Michael's Musings

Hypocrisy Is Emotional For Me...
Michael Shinafelt
Just when you think things couldn't get any weirder in the world, they do. I'm not going to delve into those grimy depths we all see enough of it on a daily basis. It's like were trapped in a 24/7 article for The Onion!

We all need a break damn it! Welcome to Fantasy Island, indeed...

In other news: I'm a Sex Witch 

"Rudy Giuliani is like if a Nickelback song became a person" - Chelsea Handler

I have declared a moratorium on anyone saying "Spooktacular" obey my command

You really don't think it was an accident, do you???

Just when you think it's safe to open the refrigerator...

Happy Mean Girls Day!

Word to live by - Whatever (motto for life)

Can I touch it? Asking for a friend.

If you are in doubt use the Vulcan hand signal, works every time

Woman Crush of the Week Mariska Hargitay she brings Law & Order to the SVU!

The human soul weighs 21 grams. I know this is true I weighed myself before and after watching Trump give a speech.

Loving American Horror Story: 1984 - it's bonkers

Feed Me! That is all.

Who hurt you?

Wake-up and smell the decaying corpses with me at: