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#TBT: Me In "The Summer Of Massacre" Michael Shinafelt |
Well Hello, and welcome to the nightmare known as 2020, my name is Michael, I'll be your Master of Ceremonies right here right now...."Yes" Minions I was in a horror movie once where I played a cop who expires in a violent way, because no one thought enough to renew him. It was called The Summer of Massacre, it was real and spectacular.
Only 16 more days until Halloween, I'd say send in the clowns, but they're already here. Let's have some fun, or not...
Remember when you used copious amounts of hair gel? Remember when people knew what copious meant?
'Cause the walls were shaking, The earth was quaking, My mind was aching, and we were making it and you, Shook me all night long! Having an AC/DC moment. You're welcome.
I would be seeing Halloween Kills this weekend, but thanks to a government that laughs at a pandemic. Yeah, there's that.
Sometime you gotta ask - Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?
Caught the horror movie The Strangers for the first time on cable the other day. Great, well made film, wrong timing for me to be finally seeing it given every thing going on in the world.
What is it going to take for you to see me as a virgin? I ask you, I am waiting
Me when Carrie killed everyone at the prom "Good for her"
Guess what? My vote has been received and counted. Drop a ballot and get right to it - VOTE!
Woman Crush of the Week - Janet Leigh in Psycho, if you have to ask why...
Voter suppression is the scariest thing going on this Halloween
Dance like an orangutan, they're orange - Just Sayin'
Ghoul is the word, it's got groove, it's got meaning
Amy Coney Barrett proves The Stepford Wives is not fiction
Do you ever stop and think: What would Captain Howdy do???
Wait there's more, much more, find out at -
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