I See You Michael Shinafelt |
This week, like most, for the last decade, I mean year and a half has been a test of one's resilience and patience. I sometimes wonder how it all came to a certain point. People really lack the skill of critical thinking anymore and it's seriously not a good thing. I'm gonna throw a little something, something in your face laters in this column. You'll find out...
Soup of the day implies another, possibly even seductive, soup of the night...
I'm gonna start an Only Flans page, "Yes" you read that correctly. Me engaging with flans in ways no one ever thought possible
Grow up and put on the pig nose
Don't make me show you what to do with your pralines
When you are married to a pork chop and have drumstick children, discuss
Things could always be worse you could have thin villainous lips
Dear Diary, I can't find my head, send help
Uh, Britney Spears conservators are forcing her to have an IUD?! Amongst other things...
Woman Crush of the Week - Sharon Stone for what she said with regard to Meryl Streep. FYI she was not ripping Streep personally, that is if one actually possessed the power of critical thinking and read what she said carefully. Yeah, there's that.
I believe I'm gonna start checking on you with a flashlight every fifteen minutes, giving you the heads up 👍
That time I held a door open for a fly so it could leave the house and it flew back in further. It's dead now...
I'm celebrating Pride with Miley Cyrus Friday night, and aren't you happy?
Aquifarian's are your friends, mermaids, they're here for you
Don't fake it, if it's bad pull them close and start booing in their ear
Hear me boo (or possibly cheer) here: