The Alarm’s New Album“Sigma” Set For June 28th Release
Lead Single & Video For “Blood Red Viral Black” Available Today
Featuring The Alarm, Modern English &
Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel Kicks Off July 17
New Dates Just Added
The Alarm have confirmed they will release a new album Sigma on June 28th to coincide with their North American summer tour which kicks off July 17 in Nashville, TN. The band have also released the first song (and video),“Blood Red Viral Black” from Sigma today with Classic Rock magazine premiering the video:
Sigma is available for pre-order here:
All pre-orders will instantly receive an Instant Grat track of “Blood Red Viral Black”
Sigma acts as the sequel for 2018’s critically acclaimed EQUALS release and features musical contributions from original Alarm guitarist Dave Sharp and Billy Duffy from The Cult. "It's an honour to have Dave Sharp performing on Sigma", said singer Mike Peters. "Dave was and always will be, part of The Alarm family, and to have him feature on this record is a thrill for all of us and I’m sure, for all the fans too. Billy Duffy of The Cult also makes his mark on guitar just as he did on Equals, and we have been fortunate to have such an incredible talent in the studio with us for a second time. Sigma is the summation of a period of creativity that started out during the initial 'Blood Red Viral Black' project and has continued through Equals towards Sigma. All the albums in this sequence have been defined through symbols and equations included in the cover art and they all add up to this new album Sigma.”
“Having Billy Duffy play guitar with The Alarm has become part of our DNA, “says Peters. “It’s a relationship that goes back to the start of this new century, when the beginnings of new era’s for both The Alarm and The Cult were being formed. Blood Red Viral Black defines our relationship as friends and opposites, human beings united through the colour of sound.”
The Alarm Photo: Andy Labrow |
The Sigma LXXXV Tour #sigmatour2019 will showcase a fraternity of alternative British rock bands led by acoustic pioneers The Alarm, post punk auteurs Modern English, and the charismatic Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebelthat will stop by some 40 North American cities, presenting the very best music and ideas from a generation of enduring artists, brought together through a legacy of timeless sound and song. Tickets and information is available at all three bands websites:,,
Throughout the Sigma LXXXV Tour, Love Hope Strength (co-founded by Mike Peters), will be hosting bone marrow drives at each concert aimed at finding donors for people suffering from Blood Cancer who need a transplant for a second chance at life! The charity has already registered over 200,000 individuals and located some 4,000 plus potentially lifesaving matches. Visit for more information.
Alarm fans attending the tour will also be able to enhance their participation at each event, by purchasing EXPERIENCE SIGMA LXXXV TOUR 2019 passes which will allow early entry into the venue for an exclusive pre-show acoustic performance with Mike Peters.
"The Sigma Tour will bring out the best that The Alarm has to offer the 21st Century, and along with our friends Modern English and Jay Aston's Gene Loves Jezebel, we look forward to taking part in an event that will hopefully, live long in the memory for all our fans." says Mike Peters. "Our music, which still gets played on the radio every single day, gives us all a platform for creativity that will shine through every second of the Sigma Tour. Fans can expect collaboration, moments of reflection, camaraderie and also the unexpected. The tour will be alive on all the social media platforms allowing fans from around the world to see what it’s like for British bands to be on the road in the USA. Each show will be presented by an in-house MC / DJ and play host to intimate pre-show events that will connect fans to the musicians in a setting away from the spotlight. Up on the main stage every night, The Alarm will be celebrating the release of a new music album entitled Sigma, and honouring the 1985 Strength album reissue that has literally changed and saved lives through Love Hope Strength, the charity which sprang from the intention of the lyrics. The Sigma Tour will look, sound and feel like no other. It's an opportunity for our generations of fans, to make themselves heard, and for us as artists to prove that we are still as relevant as when we first helped shape the musical landscape of America, and when it's citizens looked to British bands for inspiration and alternatives."
In addition, Mike Peters was recently honored with an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) Award by His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace. The MBE is one of Britain’s highest honors. Mike was awarded for his services to charity, having raised thousands for cancer care projects in the UK and abroad and dedicating his life to giving hope for families affected by cancer.
Sigma LXXXV Tour 2019 Dates
July 17 Nashville, TN Cannary Row (The Alarm only)
July 19 Austin, TX 3Ten Live
July 20 Dallas, TX Gas Monkey
July 21 Oklahoma City, OK Tower Theater
July 24 Las Vegas, NV House of Blues
July 25 San Diego, CA House of Blues
July 26 Temecula, CA Wien’s Family Cellars
July 27 Los Angeles, CA Microsoft Theater – Music Festival Show
July 31 Phoenix, AZ Celebrity Theatre
August 2 San Francisco, CA Regency Ballroom
August 3 Sacramento, CA Ace of Spades
August 5 Portland, OR Aladdin
August 6 Seattle, WA Triple Door
August 7 Spokane, WA Bing Crosby Theater
August 8 Salt Lake City, UT The Complex (The Alarm/Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel only)
August 9 Denver, CO Oriental Theater
August 10 Lawrence, KS Liberty Hall
August 12 St. Louis, MO Delmar Hall
August 14 Minneapolis, MN Fine Line
August 15 Milwaukee, WI Turner Ballroom
August 16 Chicago, IL House of Blues
August 17 Detroit, MI St. Andrews
August 18 Cleveland, OH House of Blues
August 20 Portland, ME AURA
August 21 Boston, MA Paradise
August 23 Huntington, NY The Paramount
August 24 Jim Thorpe, PA Penns Peak
August 25 Falls Church, VA State Theatre
August 29 Asbury Park, NJ Asbury Lanes
August 30 Staten Island, NY St. George Theater
August 31 Philadelphia, PA The Keswick Theater
Sept 1 Norfolk, VA Norva
Sept 3 Charlotte, NC Neighborhood Theatre
Sept 4 Atlanta, GA Masquerade
Sept 5 Orlando, FL The Social (The Alarm/Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel only)
Sept 6 Bonita Springs, FL Southwest Florida Event Center Fort Meyers
Sept 7 Miami, FL The Ground at Club Space
Sept 8 St. Pete, FL Ferg’s Concert Courtyard