Annie Lennox - Queen of the Night |
Opening with AC/DC pleased this Rock N Roll dudes heart, yes, it truly is a Highway To Hell people!
While I was a huge Madonna fan once that was so Confessions On A Dance Floor ago.
Madonna so sucked last night it was like a vacuum on it's last legs - I am over gay men who are drooling over her performance. (hey being one I have a lot of them on my Facebook page, so this is first hand experience.)
Annie Lennox was IT last night, she had the last werd!
Have loved her since the Eurythmics and all of her solo work is bomb!
Although Hozier is very talented I was annoyed and over hearing his song Take Me To Church. My spin instructor has been playing it every class for the last 3 months, I go Saturday and Sunday, do that math!
Note to Kanye West, quit always defending Beyonce you jackhole. She was tre' boring last night. If people weren't already asleep by the end of the show, they sure would have dozed off then.
Taylor Swift, quit getting down, white girl you have no rhythm and it's uncomfortable when the camera cuts to you and you pretend to.
Katy Perry is a lovely and gracious loser.
Congratulations Sam Smith, the appeal is lost on me.
Love Beck, but I did not even know he had an album out last year.
Jessi J. & Tom Jones, that was cool. Not a show stealing performance like Annie Lennox, but fifty shades of cool none the less.
Pentatonix so glad you won, you deserved it for your Daft Punk medley.
Yeah, I'm done, I said it was a quick take, capice?
Until next year!