Sunday, May 31, 2015

Historical: The Films of Robert Mugge

Robert Mugge
MVD Entertertainment Group to release the films of Robert Mugge

"Films of the documentarian Robert Mugge are cultural reference books... Documents of a flourishing below-the-radar culture... They are archival records as well as entertainments." 
- Stephen Holden, The New York Times 

Bob Hope - Entertaining The Troops DVD (street: 06/09/15) 
Deep Sea Blues BLU-RAY (street: 07/07/15) 
Giving Up The Ghosts: Closing Time At Doc's Music Hall BLU-RAY (street: 09/29/15) 
Souvenirs Of Bucovina: A Romanian Survival Guide DVD (street: 09/29/15)

Check out these markers of time & place, by filmmaker Robert Mugge

Since 1973, Robert Mugge has made more than 30 films, the majority of which have focused on music and musicians. According to Mugge, "In my films, music frequently serves as a leaping-off point for discussions of social issues, cultural issues, political issues, even religious issues. In fact, I tend to see music as a metaphor for the human spirit."

For example, in Bob Hope - Entertaining The Troops(coming to DVD on June 9th), Mugge pays tribute to hundreds of American performers who assisted the military in World War II. Included are rare period performances by the likes of Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Jack Benny, Dorothy Lamour, Frances Langford, the Andrews Sisters, Danny Kaye, Lena Horne, and Mel Blanc, as well as a 1988 reunion of Bob Hope's WWII troupe of performers.

Mugge has made documentaries about bluegrass, reggae, and Hawaiian music and has done films centered on Rubén Blades, Sonny Rollins, Robert Johnson, and Gil Scott-Heron. He's done several movies on the blues including Deep Sea Blues (on Blu-ray July 15th), a rocking portrait of the 2007 Legendary Rhythm and Blues Cruise to the Caribbean. As a bonus, this two hour film also includes Mugge's 96-minute All Jams On Deck, shot on the October 2010 Pacific cruise.

Another blues film, Last of the Mississippi Jukes (coming to DVD later this year) is full of high-powered performances by Alvin Youngblood Hart, Chris Thomas King, Vasti Jackson, Bobby Rush, and Patrice Moncell. However, it's ultimately a sad film. It starts off with a brand-new club in Clarksdale, Miss., Ground Zero Blues Club, which is co-owned by actor Morgan Freeman and Clarksdale Mayor Bill Luckett and which intentionally evokes the style and spirit of traditional jukes. But it ends at the Subway Lounge in Jackson, Miss., shortly before that legendary club closed. At the end of the film there's hope that the Subway would be renovated and revived. However, due to structural problems, the building was eventually demolished.

Giving Up The Ghosts: Closing Time At Doc's Music Hall (on Blu-ray September 29th), is a feature-length music documentary exploring the twin careers of respected physician and musician Dr. John Peterson and the music and arts venue he owned and helped operate in downtown Muncie, Indiana from 1992 to 2012. The film alternates a final performance at his Doc's Music Hall with assorted interviews and related activities, including a ceremony to "free" the building's ghosts.

Mugge's films have earned him high praise from publications including The Village Voice and The New York Times, with Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter writing, "Mugge has, during the past 25 years, established himself as the cinema's foremost music documentarian ..."

"I tend to pick subjects that interest me and about which I'd like to know more" he continued. "Making a particular film becomes an adventure in which I get to learn more about a chosen subject, while simultaneously sharing with others much of what I've experienced." This quest for knowledge has drawn him to make films about reggae, zydeco, gospel music, jazz improvisation and, most recently, the historically rich region of Bucovina in northern Romania and southern Ukraine." Says Mugge. "That was certainly something I knew nothing about," he said of the Eastern European region, to which he ventured with a film crew that included Diana Zelman, now his wife, a filmmaker in her own right who has helped to produce all of his films since 2005. The result, Souvenirs of Bucovina: A Romanian Survival Guide, is coming to DVD on September 29th.

Mugge, takes pride in never having had to make a film that he did not want to make. "I never stop working," he proclaimed.

"It is an honor to be working with Robert Mugge," said Ed Seaman, COO of MVD. "Most of us have been fans of his work for a long time and recognize the integrity in not only the filmmaking and recording, but of the subject matter. We feel it is a perfect match, considering our connection with music and the arts in film."

Mugge states:

"Over the past few decades, my documentaries have been released by a variety of companies. Now, I am thrilled that a majority will be released worldwide by a single distributor, and that that distributor will be MVD Entertainment which has a unique interest in, and understanding of, music-related films. From some of my more highly regarded portrait films (SUN RA: A JOYFUL NOISE, THE RETURN OF RUBEN BLADES, and BLACK WAX with Gil Scott-Heron), to films on important American music scenes (THE KINGDOM OF ZYDECO, LAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI JUKES, PRIDE AND JOY: THE STORY OF ALLIGATOR RECORDS, HAWAIIAN RAINBOW, DEEP SEA BLUES, and RHYTHM 'N' BAYOUS: A ROAD MAP TO LOUISIANA MUSIC), to some of my most recent and more eclectic docs (SOUVENIRS OF BUCOVINA: A ROMANIAN SURVIVAL GUIDE, GIVING UP THE GHOSTS: CLOSING TIME AT DOC'S MUSIC HALL, and the forthcoming ZYDECO CROSSROADS: A TALE OF TWO CITIES), I could not be happier that much of my work is receiving impressive new presentations, complete with beautiful packaging and, wherever possible, generous bonus materials.

Kicking off this new relationship is one of my favorite of my own films, ENTERTAINING THE TROOPS, which recounts all the ways in which American entertainers supported Allied efforts in World War II. Perhaps the most satisfying part of this profect for me was becoming friends with the late singer, actor, and humanitarian Frances Langford. It was she who pulled together the reunion of Bob Hope's World War II troupe of traveling performers which forms the centerpiece and climax of the film. At the time we filmed that reunion at Bob Hope's North Hollywood home with Bob Hope, Frances Langford, dancer Patty Thomas, and guitarist Tony Romano (comedian Jerry Colonna having already passed), Ms. Thomas was 65, Ms. Langford was 75, and Mr. Hope was 85. There was something quite magical about these aging yet still warm and witty stars reminiscing about the idealistic exploits of their youth; especially about their repeated visits to the European, North African, and South Pacific fronts where they risked their lives to remind war-weary soldiers, sailors, nurses, and more how much people back home missed them and appreciated their sacrifices. Conducting such interviews, and spending a year and a half locating and editing together relevant footage from that extraordinary period in American and world history, was a rare experience for me, and I am extremely pleased that MVD is once again making the film available along with 25 minutes of powerful out-takes from the Bob Hope troupe reunion." 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Buffy & Willow 2015

A Buffy Reunion: Alyson Hannigan & Sarah Michelle Gellar
T.G.I.F Peeps!

Recently photos of Sarah Michelle Gellar & Alyson Hannigan reuniting in 2015 went viral.

As a Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan I was all a Twitter, ahem, so to speak.

In what appears to be a children's party or just a fun hang the twosome captured the moment and shared it with fans of the show.

Although I have loved them in other things, notably Gellar in Cruel Intentions and Hannigan in American Pie. Nothing will ever top Buffy.

Thanks for being such givers Sarah & Alyson.

Have a terrific weekend everyone...!

Tweet with Buffy & Willow at:

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Miley Cyrus is a Happy Hippie

Don't Dream It's Over - Miley Cyrus & Ariana Grande
MIley Cyrus teamed up with Ariana Grande recently for an off the hook cover of the Crowded House hit Don't Dream It's Over for her series of Happy Hippie Backyard Sessions.

The philanthropic Ms.Cyrus's nonprofit organization, Happy Hippie, works to “rally young people to fight injustice facing homeless youth, LGBT youth and other vulnerable populations.”

I love Miley not only is she an amazing singer she gives back in a big way too!

Appropriately dressed in a Unicorn onesie with Ms. Grande as her sidekick dressed in a Mouse onesie, the two bring a shiny and new take on the classic song. 

Hey, the Unicorn and the Mouse should be friends.

Give it a listen below...

Find out how you can make a difference with Miley at:

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Pride! "You Are My Family"

Tis the season for Pride, and with that Joe Gauthreaux releases his latest production, “You Are My Family”, a song that celebrates the tightest of friendships and features vocals by the diva of dance, Inaya Day.  Of course it's a dance record, but it also has elements of pop, EDM, and gospel house. “It's a song I'm extremely proud of because it keeps changing as you go along and it has a really good payoff in the end with the gospel breakdown,” Mr. Gauthreaux says.  He cops to throwing out all of his conventional ways of producing dance music on “You Are My Family”. “I wanted this song to make a difference in people's lives beyond the nightclub. I didn’t want to sacrifice the emotional element for the sake of making it a dance record. I can always make a club mix later.” 

So I asked Joe to sock it to me, and tell me what his top five songs are for Gay Pride!

5.  Madonna - Living For Love - Her best single in a long time and the message is timely. Love is what it is all about!

4.  Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York - I just did a mash up to this and I featured the part where she says "... and you can want who you want, boys & boys, and girls & girls..." 

3.  Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (Joe Gauthreaux & David Marc 2014 Club Mix) - I love the line "thunder only happens when it's raining" - it's a metaphor for the gay community making things happen when we protest, and have our voices be heard as one.

2.  Aretha Franklin - Pride (A Deeper Love) - This one speaks for itself! A classic that never gets old.

1.  Joe Gauthreaux featuring Inaya Day - You Are My Family - Because without the ones we love surrounding us, being there for us through thick & thin, pride has no meaning.

Give "You Are My Family" a listen after the jump!

Show your Pride at:

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Have A "Silverball" Naked




Get naked grab a "Silverball" and do your thang!

Silverball, the new album from the Barenaked Ladies premieres exclusively on today. Available on June 2nd, the Ladies’ 14th studio album showcases the band’s growth and stands as a testament to their longevity.



The band kicks off their ‘Last Summer on Earth’ tour with the Violent Femmes and Colin Hay on June 5th at the LC Pavilion in Columbus, OH with stops including Denver June 10/Red Rocks, Chicago June 16/First Merit Bank Pavilion, New York City July 1/Pier 97, Los Angeles July 21/Greek Theater and wraps on July 26th at the Marymoor Amphitheater in Seattle, WA.

Fans can pre-order the album and get full list of tour dates at

Monday, May 25, 2015

Caleb Johnson Gets The Led Zeppelin Out!

Caleb Johnson - Live!
Happy Memorial Day Everyone! I hope you are enjoying your Holiday weekend...

So celebrate and give a listen to season thirteen American Idol winner, Caleb Johnson singing a medley of Led Zeppelin songs at Exit Inn in Nashville.

Read my full length interview with him here:

Check out the video at the link below, have a a good one!

Follow Caleb on social media here:

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Getting Proactive With Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt: Funny + Hot = Yum!
Chris Pratt you just gained a new fan...and since it is Memorial Day weekend, a beefcake photo of you in swim trunks is required.

I want to make a heartfelt apology for whatever it is I end up accidentally saying during the forthcoming ‪#‎JurassicWorld‬ press tour. I hope you understand it was never my intention to offend anyone and I am truly sorry. I swear. I'm the nicest guy in the world. And I fully regret what I (accidentally will have) said in (the upcoming foreign and domestic) interview(s).

I am not in the business of making excuses. I am just dumb. Plain and simple. I try. I REALLY try! When I do (potentially) commit the offensive act for which I am now (pre) apologizing you must understand I (will likely have been) tired and exhausted when I (potentially) said that thing I (will have had) said that (will have had) crossed the line. Those rooms can get stuffy and the hardworking crews putting these junkets together need some entertainment! (Likely) that is who I was trying to crack up when I (will have had) made that tasteless and unprofessional comment. Trust me. I know you can't say that anymore. In fact in my opinion it was never right to say the thing I definitely don't want to but probably will have said. To those I (will have) offended please understand how truly sorry I already am. 

I am fully aware that the subject matter of my imminent forthcoming mistake, a blunder (possibly to be) dubbed "JurassicGate" is (most likely) in no way a laughing matter. To those I (will likely have had) offended rest assured I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesn't happen (again).

Friday, May 22, 2015

Reese Witherspoon Sprinkles Fairy Dust

Don't Make Me Dust You! Reese Witherspoon
Do you believe in fairies? If so clap your hands, Reese Witherspoon is set to produce and star in Tink. Tink will be a live action story based on the temperamental character Tinker Bell from Peter Pan.

Much like Angelina Jolie in Maleficent, Tink is supposed to give viewers insight into "the story you don't know," and will offer a new perspective on our favorite Disney fairy.

Reese will be an awesome Tinker Bell! But please Reese, don't wear boots.

Reese on IMDB:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pat Benatar/Neil Giraldo/Heartbreaker/Ring Of Fire

35 Years & Still On Fire! Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo

Benatar/Giraldo "The Big Interview With Dan Rather" To Air July 21st On AXS;
"Heartbreaker"/"Ring of Fire" video debuts on

As you all know I am a HUGE fan of Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo, OK, carry on...

The ferocious duo Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo just wrapped up a busy week promoting their 35th Anniversary Tour DVD and CD with stops in New York city where not only did they knock out live appearances on CBS This Morning,FOX News and CNBC but also taped an hour long interview for AXS "The Big Interview With Dan Rather," which is scheduled to air on July 21st. In addition the pair sat down with Fox 411 and ABC News. The tour continued through New Jersey, Texas, Louisiana and Tennessee where they played the Ryman Auditorium, and were interviewed by The story features a debut video clip from the DVD's live show encore featuring the breakthrough hit "Heartbreaker" and the Johnny Cash classic "Ring of Fire."

The hour-long interview special with Rather explores the couple’s musical and personal partnership which began in 1979 and continues today. In addition to 35 year professional partnership the couple has been married since 1981.

"It was great to share with Dan our story," said Neil about the Rather interview. “He really took the time to explore our partnership and understand how we have worked together to create music, but we were also able to talk about all the other aspects of our partnership personal and professional. It's not all about the music there is so much more to who we are."

The night after New York the couple played to a packed house at the "Mother Church of Country Music," The Ryman Auditorium. The dynamic duo rocked the house with a set that included several of their biggest hits but also included the encore of their breakthrough "Heartbreaker" and the Johnny Cash classic “Ring of Fire."

"We often close our shows with "Heartbreaker" and "Ring of Fire," said Pat. "It was amazing to play have a chance to do that on the same stage where Johnny Cash once played. Our interview with took place earlier in the day backstage, so I'm happy to have them debuting our live video clip from our live 35th Anniversary Concert DVD/CD with the article."

The Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo: The 35th Anniversary Tour CD/DVD can be purchased from iTunes: or Amazon:

The 35th Anniversary tour continues through October.

35th Anniversary Tour Schedule (more dates to come)
May 21 – Hollywood, FL @ Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
May 23 – Orlando, FL @ WMMO Downtown Concert Series
June 26 – Milwaukee, WI @ Summerfest
June 27 – Lawrenceburg, IN @ Hollywood Casino - Lawrenceburg Event Center
June 30 – Newport News, VA @ CNU Ferguson Center for the Arts
July 01 – Durham, NC @ The Carolina Theatre
July 03 – Salamanca, NY @ Seneca Allegany Casino & Hotel -Seneca Events Center
July 04 – Mount Pocono, PA @ Mount Airy Casino Resort -- Sherman Summer Stage
July 05 – Ridgefield, CT @ The Ridgefield Playhouse
July 07 – Verona, NY @ Turning Stone Resort Casino – Showroom
July 8 – Washington DC @ Warner Theatre
July 10 – Lowell, MA @ Boarding House Park
July 11 – New York, NY @ Edison Ballroom
July 13 – Grand Rapids, MI @ Meijer Gardens Amphitheater
July 14 – Huber Heights, OH @ Rose Music Center at the Heights
July 16 – Louisville, KY @ Brown Theatre
July 17 - Robinsonville, MS @ Horseshoe Tunica - Bluesville
July 18 – Lake Charles, LA @ Golden Nugget Lake Charles
July 20 – San Antonio, TX @ Tobin Center For the Performing Arts
July 21 – Dallas, TX @ House of Blues
July 23 – El Paso, TX @ Plaza Theatre Performing Arts
July 24 – Sahuarita, AZ @ Desert Diamond Casino
July 25 – Laughlin, NV @ The Edgewater Casino Resort
July 28 – Livermore, CA @ Wente Vineyards
July 29 – Saratoga, CA @ The Mountain Winery
July 31 - Santa Rosa, CA @ Wells Fargo Center For the Arts
Aug 01 – Monterey, CA @ Golden State Theatre
Aug 02 – Solana Beach, CA @ Belly Up
Aug 06 – Costa Mesa, CA @ Pacific Amphitheatre
Aug 07 – Thousand Oaks, CA @ Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza
Aug 11 – Apple Valley, MN @ Minnesota Zoo
Aug 12 – Moorhead, MN @ Bluestem Center for the Arts
Aug 13 - Bismarck, MD @ Bismarck Events Center
Aug 15 - Edmonton, AB, Canada @ Heritage Amphitheatre in Hawre
Aug 16 - Calgary, AB, Canada @ Grey Eagle Resort and Casino
Aug 19 – Denver, CO @ Paramount Theatre
Aug 21 – Chandler, AZ @ Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino
Aug 22 – Lancaster, CA @ Antelope Valley Fairgrounds
Aug 25 – Turlock, CA @ Turlock Community Theatre
Aug 26 – Reno, NV @ Grand Sierra Resort & Casino
Aug 28 – Boise, ID @ Western Idaho Fairgrounds
Aug 29 – Manson, WA @ Mill Bay Casino Deep Water
Aug 31 – Monroe, WA @ Evergreen State Fairgrounds
Sep 02 – Vancouver, BC, Canada @ Pacific National Exhibition
Sep 03 – Salem, OR @ L.B. Day Amphitheatre
Sep 04 – Jacksonville, OR @ Britt Pavilion
Sep 06 – Palmer, AK @ Alaska State Fair

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Hump Day! Matt Bomer In Hawaii

Matt Bomer at Your Service

Nothing says Hump Day like a photo of actor Matt Bomer frolicking in his swim trunks while walking in Hawaii.

Matt is part of the cast of American Horror Story: Hotel...Hell to the yes!

I thought this would make everyone's Wednesday a little brighter and help you get over that bad ass hump.


Matt on IMDB:

Monday, May 18, 2015

American Idol Live! 2015 Tour

We're Touring in 2015! 


AMERICAN IDOL® returns this summer with its 14th consecutive
American Idol Live! Tour.

For the first time ever, enjoy an up close and personal evening spotlighting all Top 5 finalists from Season 14.

Special Guest Performances From Additional Season 14 IDOLS Confirmed.


Hey everyone, as we all know AI is headed into it's last season next year. So here is the next to the last AI tour you will ever see. It' s the end of one of the most successful shows ever! Lick it up!

AMERICAN IDOL®, the most successful music competition show in television history, returns this summer with an unprecedented 14th consecutive national tour.  The 37-show concert tour launches Tuesday, July 7 in Clearwater, FL, and stops in major cities, including New York, Chicago, Houston and Nashville before wrapping in Riverside, CA, on Friday, August 28th.  Tickets are available now via

AMERICAN IDOL® LIVE! will give fans an opportunity to get up close and personal with the Top Five IDOLS from Season 14.  Entertainment Weekly said “Idol’s 14th season is pitch-perfect with finalists who truly command the stage.”  Newly crowned winner Nick Fradiani along with Jax, Tyanna Jones, Rayvon Owen and Clark Beckham will showcase their individual artistry and talents in a never before “Storytellers” style show all set to a live band. 

In addition, 19 Entertainment, Inc. has also confirmed that select IDOLS from Season 14 will join the tour in various cities as special guest performers.  To kick things off, Top 10 favorite Joey Cook will join the tour for the first 6 nights in Clearwater, Sarasota, Melbourne, Orlando, Fort Myers and Fort Lauderdale, FL.  

AMERICAN IDOL® LIVE! 2015 Tour Dates:

DATE                    CITY                                     VENUE
July 07                   Clearwater, FL                     Ruth Eckerd Hall
July 08                   Sarasota, FL                         Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall
July 09                   Melbourne, FL                     King Center For The Performing Arts
July 11                   Orlando, FL                          Hard Rock Live
July 12                   Fort Myers, FL                     Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall
July 14                   Fort Lauderdale, FL            Parker Playhouse
July 15                   Jacksonville, FL                   Florida Theatre
July 17                   Nashville, TN                        Ryman Auditorium
July 18                   Louisville, KY                       The Kentucky Center – Whitney Hall
July 19                   Durham, NC                         Durham Performing Arts Center
July 21                   Richmond, VA                     Carpenter Theater
July 22                   Morristown, NJ                     Mayo Performing Arts Center
July 24                   Chautauqua, NY                 Chautauqua Institute Amphitheatre
July 25                   Bethlehem, PA                     Sands Bethlehem Event Center
July 28                   Worcester, MA                     Hanover Theatre For The Performing Arts
July 29                   Hampton Beach, NH         Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom
July 30                   Portland, ME                        Maine State Pier
August 01              Atlantic City, NJ                  Caesars Atlantic City - Circus Maximus
August 02              Red Bank, NJ                       Count Basie Theatre
August 03              Providence, RI                     Veterans Memorial Auditorium (The VETS)
August 05              New York, NY                      Beacon Theatre
August 07              Detroit, MI                            MotorCity Casino Hotel
August 08              Chicago, IL                           Chicago Theatre
August 09              Indianapolis, IN                   Murat Theatre
August 10              St. Louis, MO                       Peabody Opera House
August 12              Grand Prairie, TX                 Verizon Theatre At Grand Prairie
August 13              Houston, TX                         Bayou Music Center
August 14              San Antonio, TX                  Majestic Theatre
August 16              Mesa, AZ                              Mesa Arts Center
August 18              San Diego, CA                      Humphrey's
August 20              Los Angeles, CA                 Orpheum Theatre
August 21              Reno, NV                              Silver Legacy Resort & Casino
August 22              Santa Rosa, CA                   Wells Fargo Center for the Arts
August 23              San Francisco, CA               Warfield Theatre
August 25              Seattle, WA                           McCaw Hall
August 27              Saratoga, CA                        The Mountain Winery
August 28              Riverside, CA                       Fox Performing Arts Center

Tickets are subject to applicable service charges.  Event times and dates subject to change.

For the latest tour and ticketing information please visit:

Andrew McMahon Plays With Toys

Andrew McMahon Shares His Toys

Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness Debuts New Video

for Special "Cecilia and the Satellite" Performed on Toy Instruments

"Cecilia" Top 10 at Alternative Radio This Week,
Climbing at Hot AC Format

Gorgeous New Live Session Featuring "Cecilia" and "High Dive"
Available Now on The Wild Honey Pie

The first time I have heard of this artist was in an E-mail today from his publicist, I found him unique, talented and interesting. Thus I am foisting him on you, enjoy!

Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness has shared a new video for his chart topping hit, "Cecilia and the Satellite" today. The clip features a re-recorded version of "Cecilia" created entirely with toy instruments. Andrew re-arranged the song and recorded and filmed it in a single day. He said of the experience: 

"What do you do when you have a spare afternoon in Nashville?  Find a studio, a camera, a box of toy instruments and see if you can't make something cool happen. I had no idea what I was getting into when I showed up for this experiment, but I'm so pleased with how it all turned out." 

"Cecilia" is also now Top 10 at Alternative radio and Top 15 at Triple A radio. The song is gaining at Hot AC and on course to top the charts soon. 

WATCH: "Cecilia and the Satellite" on Toy Instruments

The Wild Honey Pie also released their Buzzsession with Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness this week. The sessions highlight Andrew's glorious wail and deft piano-playing on a gorgeous grand piano at Douglass Street Records.

WATCH: Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness on The Wild Honey Pie

McMahon's self-titled album,  Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, is out now on Vanguard Records. The disc had smashing Top 5 debuts upon release where it was #2 on the iTunes Alt Albums chart, #3 on the Billboard Indie Albums chart, #4 on the Billboard Alt Albums chart and #5 on the Billboard Rock Albums chart.  

Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness will also play several festival dates including Firefly and Summerfest along with a string of one-off US shows this summer, before heading to Australia and Japan. All current tour dates are listed below.  

For updates and more information visit: 

05/30/15 – Virginia Beach, VA @ 17th Street Park (Patriotic Festival)
06/05/15 – Bloomington, IN @ The Castle Theatre
06/06/15 – Kalamazoo, MI @ District Square
06/07/15 – Indianapolis, IN @ The Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park (Alt 103 ALT-imate Birthday)
06/19/15 – Richmond, VA @ The National w/ X Ambassadors & Grizfolk
06/20/15 – Dover, DE @ The Woodlands (Firefly Music Festival)
06/21/15 – Scranton, PA @ Pavilion at Montage Mountain (92.1 FUZZ Fest)
06/23/15 – Lansing, MI @ The Loft w/ X Ambassadors
06/25/15 – Milwaukee, WI @ Summerfest 2015
06/26/15 – Des Moines, IA @ Wooly's w/ X Ambassadors
06/27/15 – Lincoln, NE @ The Bourbon
07/10/15 – Fort Collins, CO @ Aggie Theatre
07/11/15 – Denver, CO @ Fiddler's Green Amphitheater (KTCL Channel 93.3's Big Gig)
07/18/15 – Maryland Heights, MO @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheater (Point's Big Summer Show)
07/25/15 – Kansas City, KS @ Sporting Park (96.5 The Buzz Beach Ball)
08/21/15 – Brisbane, AUS @ Max Watt's (The Hi-Fi)
08/22/15 – Sydney, AUS @ The Factory Theatre
08/23/15 – Melbourne, AUS @ 170 Russell
08/25/15 – Adelaide, AUS @ Fowlers Live
09/01/15 – Tokyo, JP @ Club Quattro
09/02/15 – Osaka, JP @ Soma
09/04/15 – Honolulu, HI @ The Republik
09/06/15 – Columbus, OH @ Arena District (Fashion Meets Music Festival)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Funday Sunday: Almost Famous Reunion

l-r Billy Crudup, Eric Stonestreet & Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson recently posted a photo on her Instagram of herself, Billy Crudup and Eric Stonestreet from her the film that made her a star and won her a Golden Globe and scored her an Oscar Nomination Cameron Crowe's classic Almost Famous.

Kate as you may recall played uber groupie Penny Lane. You know, named after The Beatles song -

"Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes. There beneath the blue suburban skies Penny Lane"

She captioned the pic: "'Your mom called....she freaked me out. And then there's that other guy far left.' #AlmostFamousLove."

Saturday, May 16, 2015

80's Flashback! Stray Cats

Meow! Stray Cats
Stray Cats "Live At Rockpalast" 

DVD and DVD / 2CD set available on July 7th 

The icons of neo-rockabilly, captured at their best in two amazing 
'81 and '83 Rockpalast concerts...

Young, raw, and wild!

Remember the 1980's? Remember "Stray Cats Strut?" - Yeah, I do too.

Every era has its heroes and every scene has its legends. The 80's had the Stray Cats and today they are the indisputable icons of neo-rockabilly. 

When the US trio stormed the top of the charts in their adopted country of England, punk still reigned supreme in the United Kingdom. But Brian Setzer, Slim Jim Phantom and Lee Rocker brought that certain something that the mo-hawked men also had: a feeling for danger and rebellion. Impressive footage of this time includes two performances in Germany: one in 1981 in Cologne and one in 1983 at the Loreley that were recorded by WDR. These are genuine recordings that make the trio's sound still accessible today. Both concerts are released here for the first time in the best possible quality and with a superb sound on DVD and CD. The Stray Cats will come to life at home just as they were at their best: young, raw and wild!

Brian Setzer, today a "statesman" of rockabilly and a many times platinum seller, works passionately as he struck the strings on the stage of the Cologne Satory Halls. He was a "rebel without a cause," similar to the young James Dean. But this guitarist has a desire: he wants to bring Rock n' Roll back to life. He wants to play his guitar as Eddie Cochran did. No question that he has succeeded; he is still loved for this today and this is why he is the first guitarist after the legendary Chet Atkins to have his own signature Gretsch model.

The Stray Cats aren't only made up of Setzer with his phenomenal guitar playing and his powerful vocals. Lee Rocker and Slim Jim Phantom are responsible for their special sound, too: Phantom's simple drumming became an example for rockabilly drummers worldwide and his wild screams in the songs belong to Stray Cats exactly as Brian Setzer's licks and Lee Rocker's clattering bass do. He treated his instrument like a lover or like monkeybars on which he did gymnastics. The bad boy attitude was internalized by the "street cats."

Both concerts also underline how rapidly Stray Cats' career progressed. Between both recordings were full worlds. In 1981 they were young rockers and by 1983 they had become full-fledged rock stars and known as tender teddy boys in part of the scene. The band rocked the mixed audience and were even honored by their discoverer Dave Edmunds. Next to Stray Cats were acts such as U2, Joe Cocker and Steve Miller.

The influence Stray Cats had on music and fashion is in hindsight undeniable. Where would psychobilly legends such as Meteors or Demented are Go!, who were founded as a counter movement to rockabilly, be today? Would the sound of the 50s still be so popular today if the Stray Cats had not brought it back to life in the 80s?

Classics like as "Stray Cat Strut," "Runaway Boys," "Rumble in Brighton," and "Rock This Town" will live forever through these two concert recordings.

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