Showing posts with label Michael Shinafelt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Shinafelt. Show all posts

Monday, December 18, 2023

Happy Birthday To Me!

It's My Birthday!
Michael Shinafelt

It's my 58th trip around the sun as they say. Many people do not have the gift of getting older. 

I have been given that gift today December 18th 2023.

Cheers! To the journey, I am truly a lucky guy.

Happy Birthday To Me!!! 

Follow me on my journey here -

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt

I asked Santa: Hey Santa have I been big trouble this year? 

Santa replied: You're not trouble you just have no filter

Ho Ho Ho!!!

Check out my filter here -

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt

From the looks of things it seems like Santa hit the nail on the proverbial head and is bringing me the perfect gift this Christmas: Peace Of Mind. "Yes" I really do need it after what has been quite a challenging year.

Wishing upon a star the jolly one does not let me down and bring me a lump of coal or something..Ho Ho Ho! 

Move over Elf on a Shelf, make way for Dolly on a Tamale!!!

I am too magical for your BS, the more you know...

The Bible said you're a bitch, that's all

Finally saw Tom Ford's A Single Man (better late then never) it was great and then some!

Kelli Giddish is back on the premiere episode of Law & Order: SVU! Why can't they just admit they made a mistake letting her go and bring her permanently back?!

I just told my cat there's no God, yeah, there's that

The two old guys in the balcony on The Muppets are why many of us grew up so sarcastic 

Our best self is a lifetime's quest...

Woman Crush of the Week - Dolly Parton for her amazing rock album, Rockstar!!!

That time you merely replied mentally and never sent a message

Don't ever apologize for loving the strange things that make your weird little heart happy

Current earworm - Tainted Love by Soft Cell

FYI there is no live action Lion King, it does not exist 

Help me find where my mind is, I lost it

Follow me here for other amazing tips -  

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Michael's Musings

Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe
Michael Shinafelt

While catching Tender Misfit last night at Hotel Ziggy in West Hollywood, CA I spied a neon sign in the corner of the bar the said "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe" - This spoke to me on several levels. Of course there is the obvious one that reaches out to everyone on that basic feral level.

Anyway moving into the rest of November it's going to be my official/unofficial motto. Translation: Watch out when you are around me, I'm not gonna take any of your lip! Enough said...

Tender Misfit brought it at Hotel Ziggy last night! If you weren't there, why not???

Please don't underestimate my ability to delete your number and act like I never met you

They laughed at my doodles, I laughed at their chalk outline

FYI after you die you will poop a little, the more you know...

If it's no making me happy, making me money or making me better, I'm busy.

The world is full of Eves, be Lilith!

Vehicles that run on the souls of the damned, that's all

Chihuahuas of the zombie apocalypse, discuss...

Woman Crush of the Week - Tender Misfit who slayed last night at Hotel Ziggy. We will be seeing her perform in bigger venues very soon!!!

Loved Nyad on Netflix! Both Annette Benning & Jodie Foster should be scoring Oscar nominations

What I know is that you're more than enough

Always remember chicken is real and died for you 

Oh, here comes the Crazy Clown Face posse 

I'm breaking out my "Don't Kill My Vibe" musts, follow me here for this and other tips   

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Michael's Musings

Daddy's Got A Secret...
Michael Shinafelt

"Something's comin' over, mmm mmm, Something's comin' over me, My baby's got a secret" - Secret, Madonna

You know when you see someone who is accessible, but looks like they have a secret they will never tell you? The type of people who looks you in the eye and it seems like there is a whole other universe inside them that you want to visit? 

Of course you do! Every individual who has sex appeal for days has this quality. Is what's behind those eyes good or evil? Happy or sad? 

"How it could be, Until you shared your secret with me..."  Indeed...

If it upsets you that I'm just being myself, I'm gonna be more myself, so there!

Those meatballs are really small, I can put four in my mouth at once, the more you know

My Uber driver (whose first language obviously wasn't English) asked me how I was. I said good. I asked him how he was he said: I am perfect - Love it!

There's no way everyone was Kung Fu Fighting, seriously, NO WAY!!!

If they ever do a mini-series on Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mickey Rourke should play her, that's all

And I was like, oh my God, like fer sure, gag me with a spoon

Based on this season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills I'm getting the feeling Ozempic has some undesirable side effects, discuss

Scientologist on my walk home smiles says Hi. Me: Don't smile at me and shove propaganda in my face

Woman Crush of the Week - Melanie Griffith in Something Wild! Come on you all know you wanted her to handcuff you to a bed too.

Celebrate! The SAG/AFTRA strike is over, Yes!!!

Listen, that's the sound of me tip toeing through your ever changing moods

Celebrated my friend singer/performer Mike Clifford's 80th Birthday at Mimi's in Los Angeles, woot!

Walking towards it, then realizing there's no it, F#ck!

Time to put my Crazy Clown face on

Join me for this, that and the other thing here -

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Michael's Musings

Saw this saying painted on the sidewalk on my way home from Alcove, where I had the most delicious tuna melt and truffle fries. Day of the Dead brunch if you will. So naturally I had to take a photo of such a provocative thought.

It got me thinking just what could "Art That Kills" mean. My interpretation is any artistic impulse that is repressed by fear of engaging with it. There you go Minions wisdom straight outta Los Angeles, here comes some more, or perhaps not...

A raisin can be in the sun, but it cannot be in the potato salad, the more you know

Meet me in the back. By the dumpster and the rats. Where we lean and things make sense.

The cat thinks you're a twat, that's all

"You're going to be happy said life...but first I'll make you strong" - Perfect!

Taylor Swift is the first artist to have 6 albums sell over a million copies in a single week, you go girl!

Spooky Season is over, but it always remains Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead in my soul

Did my usual Halloween tradition and watched, what else, the movie that started it all the original 1978 John Carpenter's Halloween! It doesn't scare me like it used to, but it's still great!

Pssst! Cady Heron is now a guidance counselor at North Shore High School, discuss

Woman Crush of the Week - It's Britney Bitch! Britney Spears for her memoir The Woman In Me, got it can't wait to read it!!! 

Caught the pilot for the original Charlie's Angels TV series. Here's some fun trivia Tommy Lee Jones guest starred in it pre-movie fame

Today's goal: defying gravity

FYI - Marigolds are often called "flowers of the dead" knowledge is power

Many people have the wrong idea about me. Honestly I have no desire to clear that sh!t up

Starting to monitor what I eat again today, need to shed some weight, ugh!

Here's where you can send me encouragement -   

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hump Day & Chill

Always Remember...
Michael Shinafelt

Today is the Day of the Dead, so naturally we are going to commemorate it with a Hump Day & Chill.

Day of the Dead is to remember those who are no longer with us and to celebrate them and their contributions to our lives.

This photo is from last year's Day of the Dead celebration at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, hence the skulls in the background.

I did not attend this year, as it tends to be really crowded and I wasn't in the mood for such nonsense.

So let us Hump Day & Chill today by remembering those who are no longer with us.


Day of the Dead on the WWW - 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


"No Tree Can Grow To Heaven,
Unless It's Roots Reach Down To Hell"
Michael Shinafelt 

"Samhain marked the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, and the end of the harvest season. It also signaled the beginning of winter, which they associated with death. On this day, the Celts believed the veil between the living and the dead was especially thin"

I love the month of October and I love that the veil between the living and the dead thins as the month progresses towards Samhain, or as we like to defer to it, Halloween.

Here I am at the Tree of Life appropriately enough at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I'm at the juncture of Heaven and Hell awaiting Cerberus to take me on my journey.

I'm so excited!

Happy Halloween...

Samhain on Wikipedia -  

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Only 3 More Days Until...Halloween!

Michael Shinafelt

As you can see I am falling apart with excitement, only three more days until Halloween!

The month of October is my favorite time of the year as we celebrate Halloween all month long (well at least I do, and I know many of you f do as well) - honestly it's the most fun I have for 31 days straight of the whole year (not the only fun I said the MOST fun.)

What am I doing for the big H? Presently my only real plan is to attend yoga at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Then I'm going to let the spirits be my guide for the rest of the day and see where they take me.

I'm sure the journey will be exactly the Halloween experience I need. The spirits always know...

It's always Halloween in my soul!


Michael Shinafelt on IG -

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Michael's Musings

"Come and play with us Michael, forever...and ever...and ever"
Michael Shinafelt

Look who I encountered in the lobby of Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas DTLA (Downtown Los Angeles) yesterday when I went and saw Killers of the Flower Moon...

The Shining Twins! They tried to lure me to the other side with their wonder twin powers, but my powers are stronger and I resisted and managed to get seated in theater four to see Martin Scorsese's latest before it was too late. Mess with me and find out Minions, time to muse!!!

Killers of the Flower Moon is a sweeping, ambitious piece of filmmaking, that being stated it should have been called Killers of my White Ass. It could have been trimmed by a half hour and worked jut fine as a three hour movie instead of the three and a half hour film it is

Next time I go to Alamo Drafthouse I'm going to take that trip to the other side with The Shining Twins, I'm curious

Girls have got balls. They're just a little higher up, that's all. The more you know...

Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly, indeed!

More Brains, discuss 

Hexing, because murder is wrong

Did you hear that horror films may potentially have a VD disclaimer?! Google it, it's not what you think and in IMHO it's a bridge too far

Upon arrival in heaven do all the "day after pills" greet you? Asking for a friend

Woman Crush of the Week - One of my favorite, not to mention sexy performances in a horror movie is the cast to perfection Nastassja Kinski in Paul Schrader's redo of Cat People which I've seen at least ten times (most likely more)

Isn't it groundbreaking when Gays add a harness to their Halloween Costume? NOT!

So I see a lot of excited chatter about the horror flick The Sentinel being on Netflix like it's  some forgotten masterpiece. I saw that movie and remember it being quite the opposite

It's almost here...5 more days until Halloween!!!

When you try to pronounce the name of your prescriptions...but accidentally summon Satan instead

I put a spell on you...

Wanna know what spell I put on you? Follow me here -

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt

Hello and Happy 12 Days until Halloween!!! This year has been a great Spooky Season thus far and I am excited for the High Holy Day to arrive! 

No one is going to dampen my anticipation, especially you Satan!!! Moving on...

Binged The Fall Of The House Of Usher on Netflix. Loved it! It was darkly funny, appropriately grotesque, creepy AF and completely off the wall.

A lot of people have the wrong idea about me and honestly I have no desire to clear that sh!t up.

Hush little baby, don't say a word, never mind the noise you heard. It's just the beast under your bed, in your closet, in your head...

I find you repugnant but I must enter into small talk with you due to social conditioning 

Litter clump cookies, discuss

Dear Jada Pinkett Smith, literally no one cares

For Halloween I'm opening the It's Too Late Petting Zoo, think about it, but not too much

He has his Father's eyes, that's all

Woman Crush of the Week - Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse on True Blood. One of my favorite shows ever!

For the sake of your mental health take mixed signals as a hard "No"

Groom your children to become amphibians and teach them about frogs, the more you know

Life's a witch and then you fly, boo!

Heading to Joshua Tree today, I love the desert

Sometimes you've just gotta say...

I say many things, check them out here -   

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Michael's Musings

I Want To Play A Game...
Michael Shinafelt

So tomorrow is fittingly Friday The 13th, of course one landed in the middle of Spooky Season, as it should. A friend is coming over not to celebrate it per se but we are going to celebrate it since that is the day he can make it.

I hope our luck doesn't run out tomorrow night, if it does...bring it, and another glass of wine.

I noticed everything, I just acted like I didn't, so there!

Crinkle Cut Fries, ribbed for your pleasure, you're welcome...

Stay away from the ferns, they hate humans

Almost finished binging Red Hot Cherry Flavor on Netflix. Two more episodes to go. That show gets weirder as it progresses 

I would not be surprised to read a headline that goes like this: Taylor Swift Walks On Water 

Finally caught The Strangers there was some really good stuff in it, unfortunately it got bogged down by the really cliche things that were in it. What could have been a great horror movie was rendered merely OK

There was a squirrel staring at my window from the next door neighbors balcony with an evil look in it's eyes...Ugh! I hate squirrels!

Favorite Thing I Saw Online recently - Cardi B makes music for women that shoplift at yard sales LOL!

Woman Crush of the Week - The most underrated Final Girl Amy Steel who was so great in Friday The 13th Part 2

I have no desire to hear one more damned thing about Will and Jada Pinkett Smith and their relationship. I don't know who the people are that actually do

Where can I watch American Psycho? I feel a need to view it again, I love that movie!!!

19 days until Halloween...

When I have insomnia I always watch The King Of Queens love me some Leah Remini

And now I'm going to pull a rabbit out of my...

Find out where here -   

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Michael's Musings

Don't You Wish Your Boyfriend Was A 
Freak Like Me???
Michael Shinafelt

It's my first column of Spooky Season, the most wonderful and my favorite time of the year!!! This is me using a photo I took one year at Knott's Scary Farm of an Evil Clown on a maze called a Dark Ride as background.

There was a plethora of strobe lights going on and I was disoriented and could not find my way out so I held my phone up and took the photo of the Evil Clown and asked him how to get the F#ck out of the meat locker, naturally...that's so me!

There's some horrors in this house, "Yes" really!!!

It's the season for Strangers With Candy, indeed...

Do you need a spooky hug today???

FYI A group of Karen's is called a homeowners association 

When self-driving cars become mainstream, dead old people will occasionally just arrive at their destinations, the more you know

Dashcam sightings of Gwyneth Paltrow, discuss...

Linda Blair, the demonic possession whisperer 😄

Denise Richards is back on RHOBH and it looks like she has it out with Erika Jayne, getting my popcorn ready!

Woman Crush of the Week - Halloween isn't, well Halloween without paying tribute to the ultimate Final Girl Laurie Strode 

Disconnection from certain people will bless your life

How was the season 3 premiere of Chucky? Catching it today 

Hitting the opening reception of the photo exhibit Rick Castro Forever at Hollywood Forever Cemetery today. Forever and ever...

Tis the season to watch American Psycho again, love that movie!

Always Remember: I'm The Devil

Have one Hell of a time with me here -   

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Michael's Musings


Michael Shinafelt
Paint by:
Robert Hensley

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” 

― Oscar Wilde

Indeed fall is now here and I'm ready for change. Fall teaches us the beauty of letting go, with nature giving us a magical example, the trees. Honestly I'm ready to let go, I even have a tattoo that says "Just Let Go." 

Time to put into action what I have inked on my upper left arm Minions, you've got this!

What's the difference between a narcissist and flying pig? The letter F.

A Haunted House with people you haven't spoken to since High School pitching you pyramid schemes, discuss...

There will never be anything like 80's horror again, the more you know

You may be cool, but not Edward G. Robinson dancing with Raquel Welch cool

Did you know that Thelma Harper's house on Mama's Family was Lynda's house in the original Halloween? Now you do!!!

Lynda Carter schooled Kari Lake and it was epic

Belated birthday wishes to Olivia Newton-John who would have been 75 this past Tuesday

Do people even eat Sauerkraut anymore? Asking for a friend

Woman Crush of the Week - Marilyn Monroe arriving in Nevada to start production on The Misfits in 1960

The punchline is too long, that's all...

Gen Z kids will never know of 1991's17 week long reign of terror brought on by Bryan Adams and the Robin Hood soundtrack. You had to be there!

One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day

Going to Namaste this morning with Jay at Hollywood Forever Cemetery 

Then there's what's happening this evening, "Yes" it's happening...

Find out what, or perhaps not here -  

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Michael's Musings


Happy first day of Fall Minions! Yesterday I passed this rather ostentatious advert for Olivia Rodrigo's Guts tour and album in Hollywood. Well I just had to get a photo of yours truly in front of it.

Guts pretty much sums up how I lead my life, and need to step up with some more to move forward. "Yes" the next leap is here, it's time to,make it. What a lovely way to kick off Fall!

At the end of the rainbow is a lot of Dopamine 

We're throwing an edging party, you can't come (well maybe you can if you're a good boy)

If you need to find me today I'll be soundproofing the sex dungeon

Do you ever wonder if jellyfish are sad there are no peanut butter fish???

Axl Rose's metamorphosis into Benny Hill is almost complete

Jesus loves you, but Satan does that thing with his tongue

Show up for yourself in ways that feel good to you

Teeth don't fall from the sky, the more you know...

Woman Crush of the Week - Olivia Rodrigo the official Queen of Guts! 

Horrifying graveyard orgy is now off my bucket list

Watching the premiere episode of AHS: Delicate today. Did you see it? Thoughts/

9 to 5 is too smack dab in the middle of the day!!!

Season 4 of Sex Education on Netflix drops today, yay!

Picking a challenge for today, any suggestions?

Find out what I challenged myself with here -   

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Michael's Musings

In A Life Of Dream Am I 
Michael Shinafelt

 "Let me take you down, 'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields, Nothing is real, And nothing to get hung about" - Strawberry Fields Forever, The Beatles

In Dreams nothing is real, in life you could slip in and out of reality while wide awake. Reality is a term open for interpretation. Then there's the alternative, nothing is real so there's nothing to get hung about.

Use your mentality wake up to reality...

Moaning undead pussies, think about it, but not too much

So what does free will mean if it is supposedly already written???

The day my _______ went psycho, the blank is yours to fill in, choose wisely

Kissing Sleestaks, discuss...

Random Thought does anyone remember the sitcom Mork & Mindy? Asking for a friend

Get down to the Masterbeat and vice versa

I know the mood doesn't happen often, but I get it...

Non surprise of the week, Taylor Swift winning nine VMA's - I mean who else was going to win them?!

Woman Crush of the Week - remembering the incomparable Amy Winehouse on her Birthday!

You have to take a risk or you'll be doing the same sh!t the rest of your life

Only 47 more days until Halloween...!!!

Rewatching Pretty Little Liars, I could never stand the character of Paige McCullers then and I can't stand her now. Anyone else with me???

It's OK to shriek at the top of your lungs and turn into a bat to terrorize everyone

Today I'm taking some time off from the pit of Hell, join me?    

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Michael's Musings

Mirror, Mirror On The Ground...
Michael Shinafelt

There's this cracked mirror sitting along the sidewalk of the street I live on awaiting picked up buy the sanitation department. So you know I could not resist taking some self portraits of myself in it.

Is there any deep meaning in today's portrait I posted? Not really just a guy having some fun and feeding his creativity. Not everything has a meaning agenda Minions...

Be decisive. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn't make a decision

Everyone has the right to believe what they want. Everyone also has the right to believe it's ridiculous 

Rewatched David Cronenberg's Videodrome - thought my older wiser self needed to view it, since it was my younger less wiser self was who initially saw it. Better now and quite prophetic.

A plethora of Megans, discuss...

Ever feel like you woke up twenty years later and the world is a way different place???

The little engine that could, use your imagination as to what that entails

Also revisited the original Candyman with Virginia Madsen. I liked it when it first came out, loved it even more this time, Madsen is terrific in it!!!

Remember you are a cont, cont, cont, continuing source of  Inspiration

Woman Crush of the Week - Virginia Madsen for her awesome performance as Helen Lyle in Candyman 

Do you hear them are the lambs still screaming? Enquiring minds want to know

When in doubt, thrust it!

Remember it's not going to eat itself...

Ever lose a political debate with your cat? Then I have a number for you to call

I have an agenda today, and it's sorta kinda maybe a secret one

Perhaps you can find out here what my agenda is, perhaps -    

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Michael's Musings

Michael Shinafelt

This past Tuesday we got disoriented in yoga. That was the point and the goal of doing so was to put our collective selves in touch with our souls. We were supposed to experience unique feelings throughout the day, and "Yes" I did.

My personal favorite exercise during the course of the journey was getting on my knees and sitting on the ground a growling. It really got me connected to something primal inside me which inhabited my being the whole rest of the day, the more you know...

FYI When disco ended the tambourine economy never recovered

If I said I spoke to a snake today would you believe me???

Why open your legs when you can open the Bible? I can think of several reasons times infinity actually

Had a good time seeing Poltergeist for the first time since it came out, at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. That's correct Minions I saw a movie about a cemetery in a cemetery!!!

Speaking of Poltergeist while I did have a good time, the movie itself is uneven and more akin to an amusement park ride than an actual film. To me it was like The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland

Finally some representation for Lesbians who were horny losers in High School, discuss

I bet if Taylor Swift farted into a microphone it would become a #1 Billboard Hit

Change the narrative: Go laugh in places you have cried

Women Crush of the Week - That's correct Minions we have two icons in one awesome photo, that I didn't know I needed and now is giving me life! Jamie Lee Curtis of Halloween and Mariska Hargitay of Law & Order SVU! Yes!!! 

Notice how Scott Stapp of Creed and the Sleep Paralysis Demon are never in the room at the same time?

Game, set, match...that's all

You are running out of "it is what it is" are you sure you want to continue?

Fog is so underrated, you don't need to see everything

Been re-watching Pretty Little Liars on MAX, it's even better the second go

Join me and binge PLL here -