Showing posts with label Mike Clifford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Clifford. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Michael's Musings

Revenge Of The Nerd
Michael Shinafelt
It's Thursday and time for another dose of whatever I feel like saying. This weeks column may be a tad foggy with a a 100% chance a sinus issues.

That's correct my sinuses have had havoc brought unto them by the Santa Ana Winds blowing all sorts of lovely things around the City of Angels. Let me tell you it's no fun and makes me count to ten way more than usual throughout the day because I am so damned irritable!

OK, now that I got that out of my nasal passage let's do it!

Feud on FX ended this past week, I must say the final episode was masterful

Quote of the Week: "The Kardashians look like turds with frosting"

There is a band with the name Palm Springsteen, brilliant!

Juan Pee Pee. All you hardcore Law & Order: SVU fans know what I mean.

I like big butts and I cannot lie

Starbuck's slogan for the Unicorn Frappauccino should be: Shit the rainbow

Mike Clifford's video for his cover of Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World" dropped this week, if you need to smile check it out after the jump. PS I'm in it.

T.G.I.F! Thank God I'm Fabulous!

My Twitter bio reads - Proud Muslim Lesbian. Wanted to see if you are paying attention.

No more printed paper towels or napkins!

A friend informed me this week you can have pot delivered to your door. The more you know.

I know you are going to judge but the last ten episodes of Pretty Little Liars is now down to eight left. Yes, I am starting to feel empty.

Misery loves company, thus join me at:    

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Michael's Musings

Spin Bike Porn
Michael Shinafelt
Are you scratching your collective heads about the above image and caption? Well let me strap one on and extrapolate.

Those of you who take a spin class on a regular basis get what I mean, for the uninitiated here we go. Everyone no matter who they are have their favorite bike when they enter the spin room, in my case this takes place at Gold's Gym Hollywood (they should pay my ass for all my internet mentions of them.)

I have two favorite instructors there, Jessica & Michelle, and guess what? I like the same bike all the time. Now don't get me wrong, if someone arrives before me and snags it, I can move on and not get bent. But that never happens, because I get there early enough to insure my place in the universe.

So the image above is me showing affection for my favorite spin bike in the room with a tongue bath. Let's move on, I know you want to....

United Airlines, moving on...

Oral tops & waffle makers

Hey Guys & Dolls, this Easter I wish you the biggest basket

Hagsploitation - I never thought a limited series on FX named Feud would introduce me to my new favorite term.

There's no gray in Sonja Morgan's gardens. Dye it's not just for Easter eggs

A woman named Ida Lickhammer gave a like to one of my Instagram posts this week. Yes, really.

That time in spin class (you know, on my favorite bike) you mistake a Michael Jackson song for a Britney Spears one. Yeah, that really happened.

Here comes Peter Cottontail, I hope he cleans up after himself

To all the RHOBH fans out there. Look what I saw this past week DTLA

Erika Jayne's Husband Tom Girardi's
Law Office
Why are Donald Trump and Augustus Gloop never in the same room?!

This Saturday I will be attending a performance of Bella Gaia, which has been described as "poetry in motion" with Maresa Wickham. Thanks Lynn Tejada

Quote of the Week: "I don't fuck much with the past, but I fuck plenty with the future" - Patti Smith

Give it a name, but not mine

Mike Clifford, Mike Clifford, Mike Clifford

When you think of me, follow me, here:   

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mike Clifford's "Wonderful World"

In The Director's Seat
Mike Clifford
Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of being part of former Teen Idol Mike Clifford's video for his upcoming cover of the Louis Armstrong classic What A Wonderful World. Mike as you may recall is most famous for his Top 10 hit Close To Cathy. The video is for the dance version which will keep you shaking your fucking booty and be stuck in your head forever. 

For those of you who like to take things slower there will also be a ballad version available too. The shoot was a joyous occasion and has a cameo from Jay London of Last Comic Standing fame.

Let's get to it, check out the images from the shoot and remember what a wonderful world we live in!
All The Colors Of The Rainbow
Wave Your Hands In The Air Like You Don't Care
Before The Magic

Mike Directing Jay London

Join Mike's "Wonderful World" at:

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Michael's Musings

I'm Going To Bridle You In & Make You Submit
Michael Shinafelt

Just finished off a delightful wine & nosh evening with my friend Scott Jacobs. We listened to the 80's music station on my cable TV and caught up, with a side of the usual mayhem.

I also laughed so hard my dick fell out of my shorts. Kidding about the dick falling out of my shorts part, I wanted to see if you were paying attention. 

Enough of my cheekiness, time to turn and face the strange. Hey it's a whole lot better than turning into the strange, or not. The decision is yours...

If I can smell your breath, you are too close

When in doubt get your monotone on with Jesus

Courtney Love is playing Kitty Menendez in an upcoming TV movie about the Menendez Brothers. Leaving this as is.

My Buddha is impressive, and yours?

Shooting the video for former Teen Idol Mike Clifford's cover of Louis Armstrong's What A Wonderful World this weekend. 

In space no one can hear you scream, in China too young is just a name

Look What I Made!
Started my healthy eating kick this week. Made myself some Brussel Sprout Tacos, which consist of Brussel Sprouts sauteed in garlic, stuffed into a corn tortilla with a dollop of sour cream. I've got skills bitches.

In light of Trump Care failing we should all take a moment and realize not everyone in the current administration is an insane narcissist bloated orange fart bag.

Lily Allen said it best, Fuck You very much

What an excellent day for an exorcism

Referring to the abovementioned Mike Clifford, check out his page and give it a like. Why? Because it will put a smile on your face and mine:

Remember, we were all once cream pies

Your mission should you choose to accept is is to follow me at:   

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Michael's Musings

Motley Crue
l-r Shauna Waters, Me, Lindley Waters & Kelly Waters
Since this will be my thoughts and impressions going into Christmas I thought to myself that I may try to curtail any cynicism I may be possessed by at present by posting an image of me and my three angels aka my nieces from Christmas two years ago in my home state of Washington

Like that will ever happen, yep get ready because here I come!!!

When I was a kid I used to think the red light flashing on a nearby radio tower was Rudolph's nose, yes really.

Parents teach their kids not to lie, yet they perpetuate the myth of Santa Claus. How many children has that fucked up?!

A virgin birth, yeah right.

What did I do for my Birthday? So glad you asked. I had a wonderful lunch with my friend Mike Clifford and an even better dessert later, not Mike...Yes, Daddy has a secret.

Lunch Time!
Me & Mike Clifford
Pentatonix has a new Christmas album out. It's what they do best.

Riot On Sunset by my buddy James Durbin is another album I highly recommend.

Taking myself to see La La Land today, in case you are interested.

My niece Shauna Waters pictured above is getting married in Cabo in June, and to think I knew her when she...

Kelly Waters, my other niece pictured is an accomplished make-up artist, so proud of her.

Now let's talk about my niece Lindley Waters, also pictured above. She now calls Berlin her home base. I want to come visit you my spirit animal! Let's go hang gliding grrrrrrrrrrrl! 

Elf on a Shelf is so tired ass, I move we shift our attention to the Whore in a Drawer. Doesn't that sound a lot more merry???

Due to the PC movement Christmas can no longer be referred to as "White" 

Tis' the season for back door crack whores

I love Lady Gaga's song A-Yo, did you know it's about smoking pot?!

My gift to you is me on Social Media. You can keep tabs on me at the following WWW addresses. Merry Christmas

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sandy Zacky On Orlando #WeAreOrlando

With the tragedy in Orlando still lingering. I held off on addressing it initially because I wanted to process my own thoughts and feelings. Everyone is still reacting as well they should, it was the biggest mass shooting in the United States ever.

People should be concerned, not just gay people. This is something we must pay attention and attend to. It can and most likely will happen again at a place and time you would least expect. 

As a gay man of course I am upset. However it hit me in a more general way, I think about the potential of such an incident in the many familiar places I travel throughout my day. Let's face it no where and no one is safe.

What I wanted to do was give a different point of view on this, perhaps not even mine but something that could add to the dialogue. Here is a fresh prospective. This is from a grandmother who worries about the country and what the future of it holds for her grandchildren. Her name is Sandy Zacky, you may remember her as Entertain Me's resident chanteuse. She wrote this powerful statement the morning of the shooting on her Facebook page:

"I am sure what is on my mind is what is on most people's mind.
I feel sick, angry,helpless and more. 

What now? It is my grandchildren and their generation that I fear for the most. 

What are we we leaving them? A sick world of people whose only quest is to kill those who don't believe as they do. They think we are immoral but who is more immoral than those who MURDER innocents who just want to live
their lives the way they choose?

Those of you who are that sick may murder but you will not take the US down. You are the cowards we will be the survivors!"

Perfectly stated Sandy. Here is a song she performed with her singing partner Mike Clifford dedicated to the victims and survivors of the tragedy, Love Is Everything -

With congress recently turning a blind eye to the problem at hand, something needs to be, before a tragedy like this can happen again.

Donate What You Can At:

Follow Sandy At:

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sandy Zacky "I Wish You Love"

50 Plus Years Of Marriage: Sandy & Her Husband Ron Taken On Her Birthday This Year
"I wish you bluebirds in the spring, to give your heart a song to sing,
And then a kiss, but more than this, i wish you love" - I Wish You Love

Nothing says love like a fifty plus year marriage and that's what Entertain Me's resident chanteuse Sandy with a "Y" not "E" Zacky has.

In 2007 Sandy with her singing partner Mike Clifford recorded an album Love is Everything. A compilation of songs about what else? Love! Including a duet by herself & Clifford on the title track and a solo rendition by Ms. Z of I Wish You Love.

Sandy has this to say to all of you on this Valentine's Day: "Whatever your plans and wherever you are I wish you all love, health and happiness, Happy Valentine's Day, Love Sandy." 

Thanks Sandy, back at ya!

Love Is Everything with Sandy Zacky at:

Friday, February 14, 2014

Sandy Zacky Wishes You A Happy Valentine's Day

It's that time of year again, Valentine's Day - and for this day I always call on resident chanteuse Sandy with a "Y" not "E" Zacky as she knows something about love, her marriage is going on fifty-two years!

So I asked Ms. Z to name a couple of love songs she was especially fond of to celebrate today, here is what she had to say:

First of all I don't  know if I have mentioned it before, but "Love Is Everything", from my CD with Mike Clifford is such a beautiful love song. He and I were discussing that just the other day. It is still doing, great on "Show Me Talk Radio."  Donna Linn put it up last Valentine's day and it was a listener favorite for months. 

Also "The Nearness of You"  and a song that goes back to when I was a kid from the Eddie Duchin Story, "You're My Everything."

Sandy Zacky & Mike Clifford
There is nothing in recent generations that stands out to me. There may be great ones but nothing comes to mind...Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Hey Sandy thanks for stopping by, Happy Valentine's Day to you and Ron and to everyone out there!

Listen to Sandy at Reverbnation:

Check out Sandy Zacky Radio at: 

Join Sandy on Facebook: 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sandy Zacky "Love Is Everything"

Sandy & Her Husband Ron
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone ! On this day of love I thought I would check in with "Entertain Me"s favorite Chanteuse Sandy with a "Y" not "E" Zacky.

Sandy has been a busy performer with a Birthday Tribute of her music on "Oldies Your Way" with Bud Francis . 

Also not one but two programs on Donna Linn's "Show Me Talk Radio" one called "Sandy Zacky Radio" .

The other for the lover of life & people that Ms. Z is a Valentine's Day Gift "Love Is Everything - A Valentine's Day Special" with her singing partner Mike Clifford www, .

Ms. Zacky recently celebrated her 50th, yes that's right, her 50th Wedding Anniversary with her husband Ron. So who better to wish you all a Happy Day Of Love than Sandy with a "Y" -

Here with  Valentine's Day wishes for everyone is Ms. Sandy Zacky...!

1) I wish everyone love. All kinds of love. Partners,kids,friends,pets heroes, anyone that brightens ones life and makes them smile on this day or any day.

2) Sharing with one who may not have someone in their life to make them feel special. Call them, send a card, an e-mail, whatever lets them know you are thinking about them.

3) Complement someone. Someone you know, or better yet, someone you don't.

4) Smile at everyone you see that day. Even though they may not return the smile somewhere in their heart they're feeling it. 

5) Don't forget to call a loved one you may not have spoken to in awhile. It will make both of you feel good. Somehow we forget the ones we should never forget. 

6) Also,I don't care what anyone says, a box of chocolates,preferably See's, because all others, Godiva, or whatever is "the" chocolate of the day may be, nothing beats SEE'S,(even though I can't eat candy).

Bring on the See's! with Sandy at: 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sandy Zacky Gets Random

Hello everyone, it's that time again, yep, time to "Get Random" and the subject in the "Entertain Me" hot seat is none other than Sandy with a "Y" not "E" Zacky.

You may recall Ms. Z from various posts on this blog most notably my chat with her about her music last year:

The ubiquitous Ms. Z took some time from her busy schedule to have some fun with me and to say "Hello" to all of her fans....OK, Sandy were waiting...let's do it!

SZ: I'm ready let's play your game. (laughs)

MS: Are you sure about that? (laughs)

SZ: Let's get to it.

MS: Singing.

SZ: The first song I ever fell in love with was "You'll Never Walk Alone".

MS: Sam Cooke.
SZ:  Oh, I love Sam Cooke, everything he ever did was amazing. I loved the inspiration he gave me, he was a very fine man.

MS: Blue Pictures.

SZ: I think those photos are fun!

MS: Solo.

SZ: That is something that I love very much, sometimes I feel insecure though.

MS: Mike Clifford.

SZ: I adore him and vocally he is perfection.

MS: One Olive Or Two.

SZ: How about five? I want more.

MS: Mary Wilson.

SZ: Such a lovely lady and what a wonderful honor to have met and gotten to know someone who has had such a great career.

MS: Show Me Talk Radio.

SZ: Adore it! Donna Linn is quite a gal, I love her! She goes for it, she is fearless.

MS: Fans.

SZ: Love them all, I can't get enough!

MS: Vitello's.

SZ: Great venue can't wait to perform there again.

MS: Tell us what the future holds for Sandy with a "Y".

SZ: Music is part of my soul and I want to keep going.

Follow Sandy on Facebook at:

You can also check her out at: &

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Celebrating 50 Years Of "Close To Cathy": Mike Clifford

Vintage Mike Clifford Photo

Former Teen Idol and "Entertain Me" staple Mike Clifford is celebrating - today July 25th 2012 marks the 50th Anniversary of his signature hit "Close To Cathy".

Mike "I'm Not Dead Yet" Clifford has a few things to say about CTC's 50th...

MC: It feels like 10 years since I recorded it

MS: Did you think the song would be this enduring?

MC: Never. I was hoping it would last 15 days on the charts, but it actually lasted 12 weeks in the top 100. It's just amazing - I'm still identified with it and I have so many memories associated with it, along with so much wonderful feedback, it's just amazing!

MS: What do you want your legacy to be?

MC: Everyone is given some kind of talent whatever it may be. Mine was singing and other things shot off of that with the acting and the dancing. I just tried to make the most of what I had at the time, and constantly improve myself to be the best I could always be...I worked hard to make the most of what little talent I had. (laughs) My legacy is for people to remember, whatever I did, I always tried 100% ! The proof is in the pudding, if you are still listening to my music, not just "Close To Cathy" 50 years later...

MS: Cool!

Check out Mike in a more recent performance of his signature hit "Close To Cathy"

Rock on with Mike Clifford at:

Monday, May 7, 2012

TV Watch: It's A "Scandal"

The Beautiful & Talented: Kerry Washington 

Look out for The Pope! Olivia Pope that is (yeah, I could have meant Pope John Paul, what ever Roman numeral he is, but…NOT!)

Olivia is in charge and she solves problems better than you, yep, nobody does it better in the hot new ABC show “Scandal”.

One of my most favorite actresses and total grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl crush Kerry Washington is The Pope of all media….Kerry Washington, Kerry Washington, Kerry Washington.

Don’t mess with this woman she has ties to The White House and is having an affair with the President of the United States played excellently by Tony Goldwyn. Ooooooooooops! Did I give too much away?! Damn! I deserve a spanking…Olivia care to administer?

Not sure what else I should give away to you virgins, but suffice it to say, Shonda Rhimes, the machine behind “Grey’s Anatomy” is behind this, and this show rocks!

Oh, Shonda, while I respect your talent, please do not let this show “jump the shark” after two seasons like  you did “Grey’s” “Happy Day’s” ( the show that coined that phrase) waited a long time before that - Katherine Heigl was correct to leave when she did.

Also props to friend and past interview subject Guillermo Diaz as the mysterious “Huck”.

Hey Guillermo, let’s chat about your hot new role, call me.

Guillermo Diaz & Kerry Washington
Without saying too much in this writer’s opinion this is the best new show you may or may not be watching….

And let’s give credit where credit is due, thanks to friend, and former 60’s Teen Idol, Mike Clifford, who told me I have to watch this show, I am now addicted, Hey Mike….

Thanks for helping out!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

R.I.P. Dick Clark -

"After six tours in the 60's with Dick Clark - I can truthfully say he was the finest gentleman I have ever worked with in the business" - Teen Idol, Mike Clifford

 Host and TV producer Dick Clark has died. He was 82. TMZ first reported the news Wednesday afternoon. A rep told the site that Clark underwent surgery Tuesday night and suffered a heart attack following the procedure.

Clark started his career as a radio announcer at WRUN in Utica, N.Y., when he was 17.

His long-running show, "American Bandstand," was on the air from 1957-1989. "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" began in 1972 and continues to this day with Ryan Seacrest.

Clark launched the American Music Awards in 1973. He became a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee in 1993.

Clark suffered a stroke in December 2004. He continued performing even after the stroke, even though it had affected his ability to speak and walk.

Hey Dick, Keep On Rockin' !

Friday, March 16, 2012

On The Radio: Show Me Talk Radio

  • Donna Linn of "Show Me Talk Radio"
    Donna Linn is the Queen of Internet Radio - Show Me Talk Radio with "Entertain Me" favorites Sandy with a "Y" Zacky, Mike Clifford and recent addition Mary Wilson...

    Let's get the scoop from Donna herself"

    "Showmetalkradio has something for everyone- in depth interviews, old time radio, food chat, politics, music and more. Some of our interviews include actress Kathy Garver, AKA Cissy of "Family Affair" fame and Don Grady and Stanley Livingston, of My Three Sons".

    Tell us more, Ms. Linn...

    "Our Jukebox program showcases singers, songwriters and musicians from a variety of musical genres. Most recently, we featured singer, recording artist Sandy Zacky out of Los Angeles, as well as songstress Mary Wilson, founding member of "The Supremes." Other artists include Mel Carter, Mike Clifford and The Buckinghams".

    Extrapolate please...

    "Our mission at Showmetalkradio is to provide excellent programming, superb interviewing and the ongoing development of shows that entertain, educate and inspire"....

    Keep Rockin' and check out Show Me Talk Radio!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Is Everything

While debating whether or not to post something in honor of Valentine's Day today, thinking "'is it really necessary, will it really matter"? I got inspired.

"Entertain Me" staple Sandy, with a "Y" not "E" Zacky performed a show a few years back with her singing partner, Mike Clifford at Vitello's in Studio City, CA on Valentine's Day.

Nobody does a love song better than Ms. Z, and the CD she cut with Clifford bears the title "Love Is Everything" celebration of that notion, I bring you Sandy Zacky & Mike Clifford crooning that very song, don't say I never did you any favors.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone....Enjoy!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

WebTV: "Have Yourself A "Meaty" Little Christmas"

Here at "Entertain Me" we like to celebrate the Holidays some....OK, a lot, so in the tradition of the seasonal posts, Sandy Zacky's "White Christmas," Mike Clifford's "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" & 10 Silly Holiday Questions: Winter Wonderette's ..."Entertain Me" is happy to lay another Holiday celebration on you, oh yeah!

That's right, it's time to "Have Yourself A "Meaty" Little Christmas" with Mr. Meatballs....Woot!

As you recall from a November post yours truly did, Jonathan Brett's Mr. Meatballs is now in season 2 of it's WebTV prescence:

Well here is a blast from the season 1 past, a warm Holiday treat titled: "Tiny Tim Needs Help".

It has everything you love about the season, Wheel Chairs, Charles Dickens References, Santa, Hanukkah & most importantly, MEATBALLS...stick a fork in em, and you're done...!

Get "Meaty" for the Holidaze at:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mike Clifford's "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"

It’s time for more Holiday cheer from “Entertain Me”…Teen Idol Mike “I’m Not Dead Yet” Clifford is here to put a jingle in your bells for The Holidays with his rendition of “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”.

You may remember my November post about him:

The video is from his last solo performance in December of 1987 at the Vine Street Grill in Hollywood, CA - Clifford’s melodic rendition of “Merry Little Christmas” is here to make your Holidays a little brighter.

So, enjoy some more warmth of the season brought to you by the letters M & C.
Celebrate the Holidays with Mike at:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Teen Idol, Mike Clifford "I'm Not Dead Yet"

Teen Idol Mike Clifford wants you to know "I'm Not Dead Yet"! It's his new slogan, many people prior to his recent resurgence as an artist thought he was....!

Well unless he is "The Walking Dead" it would seem the former teen dream who had a hit world wide with his single "Close to Cathy" is very much alive, kicking and getting back to business.

Clifford recently came out with a maturity that he did not demonstrate in his younger years on a groovy cover of "Mack the Knife" that would do Bobby Darin proud. He also has a YouTube video for the Holidays, a live version of: "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas".

Do you need further proof Mr. Clifford is not "dead yet?" Well check out the interview I did with him this year about "Mack The Knife":

Now do you believe me?! Remember teen idols never die, they simply get recycled, go green!

Get "close" to Mike and follow him at:!/pages/Mike-Clifford-Close-to-Cathy/432999335318

Download "Mack The Knife" at iTunes or CD Baby