Showing posts with label Marilyn Monroe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marilyn Monroe. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Hello Christmas!

Marilyn & Me
Michael Shinafelt

Good Morning Beautiful People! It's 5:55 AM here in Los Angeles, CA as I sit at my computer wishing all of you a Merry Christmas 2018

Have a safe & happy day filled with endless possibilities....

Time for a Feliz Navidad from Marilyn & Me, enjoy your frozen blueberries, like I am right here, right now.

Elf Drop!

Holiday, celebrate with me @ -  

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Michael's Musings

Red, White & Black
Michael Shinafelt

This has been a weird week. How weird has it been Michael??? Well for starters...let me tell you about this glass of Chardonnay minus the black fly...

The heatwave, the heatwave, the heatwave

Yoga, it's a thing

How about those Crazy Rich Asians???

If you don't have something nice to say, come sit next to me and I'll write it up

Officially I am now a Vampire, the more you know

Pregnancy, that's not what tequila shots are for

Kelly Clarkson's daughter wants to marry Chris Martin - "Yes" this is a byline

I am really enjoying Very Cavallari - Kristin Cavallari is now one of my spirit animals 
What Meg?
Jason Statham
Jason Statham, Jason Stahtam, Jason Statham

Earth is the loneliest planet

Tackiest byline of the week - "Pink gets discharged from the hospital" think about it, but not too much

"I restore myself when I am alone" - Marilyn Monroe

Wine & Sleaze 

There's nothing better than ________ in the morning. I know my answer, what's yours?

The best things in life are naked

On that note, here I am, the one that you love at:

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday Motivation

I'll Have What She's Having...
Marilyn Monroe
While I have drank coffee in the past, I am not really a coffee drinker. However at this very precise moment I wished I had some, right here, right now.

It's one of those bleeping mornings where a cup of caffeine would do my body some good. You know give me a Monday Motivation kick in the ass to jump start my day.

Thus I have resorted to an image of one of my favorite actresses of all time, Marilyn Monroe drinking the legendary brew, for a vicarious and hopefully energetic buzz.

Huh? What's that you say? How can I get a caffeine high without actually drinking it???

It's called acting darlings, acting.

Monday Motivation activated!

Marilyn on IMDB:  

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Michael's Musings

And The Oscar Goes To...
Michael Shinafelt
"I never really saw anything grow before. How tiny those seeds were and yet they know they were supposed to be lettuces." - Marilyn Monroe, The Misfits

While Marilyn Monroe never won a Best Actress Oscar she did in my mind for The Misfits. Written by her former husband Arthur Miller and Directed by the great John Houston. Marilyn Monroe etched a portrait in my soul as Roslyn Taber

Even though she won a Golden Globe for Some Like It Hot (she was brilliant) Oscar gold always eluded her. 

Didn't we all fancy a dream in passing when we were young of winning one? But of course we did! Moving on as we got older and realized being an Academy Award Winning star might not necessarily be out path?

With the arrival of the big event Sunday this weeks column is a tribute, trivia and salute to the dreamer in us all!

Oscar Winner for Funny Girl Barbara Streisand had her dog cloned. Hey Barbara, did you not see Pet Semetary?! 

Kate Winslet keeps her Oscar in the bathroom

I've held the Oscar that Dan Jinks won as Producer for Best Picture, American Beauty

 "As a little kid I lived in the projects, and you're the people I watched. You're the people wanted—made me want to be an actor. I'm so proud to be here. I'm proud to be an actor and I'm gonna keep on acting. And thank you so much" Whoopi Goldberg,Best Supporting Actress for Ghost

The first Academy Awards ceremony was held in 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Meryl Streep is the most nominated in the Best Actress category for an Oscar, clocking in at 17 nominations 

Jack Nicholson is the most nominated actor with 12 under his belt

My dream was always to win an Oscar for portraying someone truly evil

"When I was little my mother said, "I want you to be something." And I guess this represents twenty-three or twenty-four years of my work, and I've never won anything before from my peers. I'm really, really happy" Cher, Best Actress for Moonstruck 
Margot Robbie
My personal pic for Best Actress this year? Margot Robbie for I, Tonya 

Who could ever forget Sally Field's battle cry:  "I can't deny the fact that you like me. Right now, you like me!"

Remember that time when 72 year old Jack Palance won his Best Supporting Actor Oscar for City Slickers and did one armed push-ups on stage? I do.

Weirdest Oscar winning song? It's Hard Out There For a Pimp by 3 6 Mafia from Hustle & Flow

Strange Best Supporting Actor Nominee: Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder. He's great! But think about it, not too much.

And the Oscar goes to...find out this Sunday!

In the meantime follow me at:   

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fame Is Like Caviar

It's July 1st, yes peeps 2017 is more than half over and the Orange Menace is still being a worthless Bitch Baby

Normally I don't do posts about my wall calendar, but...this month's Marilyn Monroe quote for some reason captured my imagination: Fame Is Like Caviar....the accompanying image makes it even more intriguing, it gives it an ambiguity. Which actually works, depending on how you feel about devouring fish eggs.

Caviar is considered a delicacy and therefore if fame is like it, it must be delicate? A privilege? Something to savor? Perhaps something salty and nasty you want to spit out? Not all it's cracked up to be? The list of interpretations of of this quote are endless.

Having had a taste of a certain amount of visibility out there in the world I'm going to go with a little of both the glutinous definition of fame and the spitting version. 

Fame is like anything that enhances your life, the upside always out weighs the downside, but ever so often you want to spit it out. I for one like caviar and would never spit it out unless there was a very specific reason, think about that, but not too hard.

It's July 1st 2017, in what has been a fast moving, not to mention one of the most embarrassing years in American History. Keep yourself happy and do you!

Keep up with me on Instagram at:  

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Michael's Musings

Turn & Face The Strange
Michael Shinafelt
Hello lovely beings! This week it's time we turn to face the strange. In both ways literally, strange is good when it is inclusive, but when it is exclusive, well you know how that goes, right "President" Trump.

Yeah, I wanted to use a few more choice words, but I chose to take the high road.

OK, enough of my preaching, here we go!!!

Anyone watching Taboo on FX? I am, I like it! It also doesn't hurt that Tom Hardy is 

Immigration Ban? Where the fuck did you come from Dumpster????

I want whatever meds Winona Ryder is on,

Try not to be a Twatsicle 

Eat Cheeseburgers & Make Love

I saw LeAnn Rimes this past weekend with Ken Phillips, amazing! She closed with a cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, I still hear it in my head. 

Sometimes you have to GROI! Get Rid Of It.

Margaret Cho & Myself
Fashion Police
Photo: Ken Phillips
Hung with Margaret Cho on the set of Fashion Police this past week. Yeah, I know how to have a good time.

Come hither I like to lick, a lot!

"Beauty and femininity are ageless" - Marilyn Monroe 

What kind of a world do we live in when auto-correct tries to change something you wrote into Blake Lively???

I'm eating healthier and working out, aren't you happy?

Yeah, that is enough. Done.

Come to me, I am here at:  

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Michael's Musings

Hazy Shade Of Winter
Michael Shinafelt
We are a mere five days into 2017 and no celebrity deaths have occurred. Give it time it's still too soon after the three major ones at the end of 2016.

If only I could give you a juicy bone to gnaw on, but alas there is not too much to say at this premature stage of the NY. Give it some time, there is going to be plenty to rant about, love and be grateful for, soon. 

So here are my meager offerings as of now, drama free and without interruption.

Best thing about New Year's weekend? The Twilight Zone marathon on the SyFy Network

Mariah Carey really needs a reality check and to change her first name to Pariah.

Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds on HBO. Can't wait!

Honestly, if you haven't seen Leah Remini exposing Scientology on her A&E docu-series you haven't lived. Cross my heart.

If you take quotes from Law & Order: SVU out of context, they are really quite funny.

Quote of the Week: "It makes me sad when anyone calls LGBTQ people perverts, because that means they don't know that straight people can have good sex too" - Faith Choyce, Comedian 

BTW the Golden Globes are this Sunday, in case you care. 
Vanderpump Rules
Not So Much Anymore
Is it me or is Vanerpump Rules really fucking staged this season. Transparently so, I have now dubbed the show A Gaggle Of Twats.

Just the other day I was "lucky" enough to board a subway car with a black gentleman bellowing to another how white people disrespect him all the time. Really? You mean you talking shit at the top of your lungs in a public place isn't disrespecting anyone???

Which reminds me I got an PM on Facebook the other day from someone chiding me for the use of #hastags - really. If that is your biggest issue in life go Fuck yourself.

Monkey Mat Mama's, why not I ask you?

"The Best Time of my Life is Now" - Marilyn Monroe

I will leave with the sage words of wisdom from the formidable Ms. Marilyn Monroe. Until next week, yeah, you know what's coming. Ciao!

I Tweet and Instagram at:  

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Michael's Musings

Fall In Southern California
Michael Shinafelt
Photo: Bob Drapeau
OK, I have made an executive decision. Due to the popularity of this column I hereby decree my musings will now be posted every Thursday. No more Throwback Thursday for this guy. Now every TBT you are going to get my impressions of the past week heading into the weekend.

No tricks here, time for a treat!

A shout out to Ms. Summer Rudolph, my cousin who I have not seen in...yeah you get the picture. Loved connecting again at Marix Tex Mex in West Hollywood, CA. Grrrrrrrrrl you rock!

Marla Maples is so gangsta! 

Dear twink who insists on sitting shotgun to me in Jessica's Spin Class at Gold's Gym Hollywood. Just stop please. Your energy is annoying and reminds me of a puppy dry humping my leg.

Most of you would be less offended if Hillary Clinton were a man. "Yes" I'm playing the sexism card.

Hello Kim Kardashian, can you seriously not get if there are those who think your being robbed is a publicity stunt?!

Man on Man flirting. To all you men out there, develop the art of flirting with other men whether you are gay or straight. Trust me it works. Especially if you are a gay man flirting with a straight one. It may not get you laid, but it sure will get you what you want. 

Marilyn Monroe. Yep, that thought just happened.

Is it just me or is Mark Cuban hot?

Sometimes I like to imagine I am a male version of Miriam Blaylock in The Hunger. What? You think you have a better fantasy? Bring it!

It turns out it really is better with a towel.

TTFN = Ta Ta For Now

My secret identity is a bird, Tweet with me:     

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Sign Of The Apocalypse?

Jennifer Lawrence Slays
Jennifer Lawrence channeling Marilyn Monroe?! Is it a sign of the Apocalypse? Well sort of...

It's a sign of an X-Men: Apocalypse screening!

This is for all you fanboys out there who, love comic books and Jennifer Lawrence, and really who doesn't? I am sure there are some, but you are in the minority.

Me? I am a J-Law fan, comic book movies? Not my thing overall, but I have seen a few including the original X-Men, which I did enjoy.

Mostly I woke up today and felt rested and fun. This lead to a need to share that with others. Thus I thought I would score with something that would put a smile on many people's faces.

Yep, I'm a giver.

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

X-Men on IMDB: 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Margaret Cho Takes On The "American Myth"

Margaret Cho has never been one to shy away from taking on any subject matter in her stand-up shows. Her no holds barred attitude has crossed over into another aspect of her career as well, that being her music.

For those of you who may not be aware Margaret started exploring her hidden talent of expressing herself through song with her freshman CD Cho Dependent released in August of 2010.

Her sophomore effort American Myth drops this Friday, April 29th 2016. On it Margaret is as fearless as ever!

So, without further hyperbole, here to discuss Anna Nicole, Sexual Abuse, Sex Workers, Movie Titles For Your Butt Hole and last but not least, the American Myth is the one and only Margaret Cho!!!

MS: That meme you posted on Facebook the other day about movie titles for your butt hole got a lot of mileage.

MC: I laughed so hard over those! My favorite was "Three Men and a Baby!"

MS: A friends of mine saw that I participated in it and insisted that I post it to her page.

MC: Did you have a favorite?

MS: Other than mine? I thought mine was pretty good.

MC: Which one was yours?

MS: "Something Wicked This Way Comes."

MC: Oh, that's a genius one! That's really genius. I laughed so hard all day at the great responses! "The Color Purple" kept coming up a lot, that one is classic.
                                                                 Anna Nicole
MS: You have a video for the song about your late friend Anna Nicole Smith, titled "Anna Nicole" off your CD "American Myth."

MC: Yes.

MS: Expand on a statement you made about her: "some people are too good for this world."

MC: That's why my album is called "American Myth." It's the idea that certain people are too beautiful for this world. Whether that's Marilyn Monroe or James Dean. Anybody in the twenty-seven club like Kurt Cobain or Janis Joplin. But it also relates to something that's inside of yourself, sometimes innocent parts of ourselves die off because this world is too terrible and cruel to sustain it. There's different levels, thing like being too precious to survive, only the good die young kind of thing. It's not just people, it's elements of our own beings that can't live, it's too hard.

MS: There was an innocence and sweetness about Anna Nicole.

MC: Yes,and given the circumstances around her death, she had just lost her son. He died in her hospital room. She had just had a baby almost immediately after that, so she had grief and postpartum depression combined. It's a miracle she lived as long as she did through all that incredible suffering.

MS: This is your second CD. How was working on this different than the first?

MC: On this album it was the first time I had input on composing. There's a few songs that I composed entirely. There were some different artists helping me out, for the most part it is an album that I composed which is exciting.
                                                       I Want To Kill My Rapist

MS: I want to bring up the song "I Want To Kill My Rapist," which was the first video off of "American Myth." You tackling the subject of rape has brought a lot of mixed reaction to say the least. I remember you did make a joke at The Wiltern that made the audience groan. I can't remember it, do you remember what it was?

MC: The one about my uncle who raped me, is the one I think it was. When I said "but I don't want to see him again, because I don't want to fuck him again. Because that's what would happen because we never broke up." That one makes people so upset, but it's me trying to lighten the mood. (laughs) The thing is if we don't make it OK to talk about and joke about sexual abuse it's going to continue happening. Look at fucking Dennis Hastert Speaker of the House, he's allocating fund in order to buy the silence of these young men, who are now grown men, who still have to live with the suffering and the shame of it. Sexual abuse is something that has long been considered a woman's issue, but really it's a global one, for men as well it's something we need to deal with.

MS: Having been molested I tend to be sensitive to the subject. However I think it is important to have an open dialogue and be able to joke about it as well.

MC: It's hard as survivors. We're meant to stay silent about certain things. Breaking the silence and allowing survivors to speak will  help protect the innocents of this generation. Silence and shame are accomplices to a predator. It shouldn't happen like that, that's something that we can control.
Margaret Cho
Photo: Dusti Cunningham

MS: You also have a song titled "Come With Me" about sex workers on the album.

MC: It should be decriminalized it would make it easier for people to work in the sex worker industry to report crimes that are committed against them. People who work in the industry don't have the ability to prosecute because they are afraid of getting arrested themselves. We have to improve the way society thinks about sex work. The song came from when I was recording in El Paso and I saw a lot of young male prostitutes. I wanted to take one to an amusement park. Because they were the age of a son I would have, if I had children. That is totally a legitimate reason to hire a sex worker, you want to have that love experience of being a mother with a son. The video is set, it will be out sometime soon. It is really a way to have people acknowledge that sex workers are also somebody's children. It's not about rescuing them because they are doing something wrong, it's that they are also kids. 

MS: This country is way to uptight about sex. Yet, murderers and criminals become stars and make money. There is something off about that.

MC: I know, I know. 

MS: Isn't it the worst?

MC: It really is! 

Get Mythical With Margaret at: 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Anna Nicole Smith "American Myth"

Guitar Hero
Margaret Cho
Photo: Dusti Cunningham
Today I chatted with Margaret Cho about her CD American Myth which will drop on April 29th, yes you will have to wait another week before you get to eavesdrop on the fun we had, so there!

Margaret released the video for the song Anna Nicole from the upcoming album this week. Cho appeared on Smith's E! series, The Anna Nicole Show, and was friends with the starlet, whom she's praised in the past — as well as on this song — for changing the perception of bigger women in the beauty industry. Here is what she has to say about the late bombshell:

"American Myth is a lyric from the song, 'Anna Nicole,' about the American myth that certain people are too beautiful for this world," Cho told A Plus. "They die young because they are too good for it. That is Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, the 27 Club — this is the same with Anna Nicole. I knew her and her death struck me very hard, and still does."

Jump down to the video.

                                                                      Anna Nicole
In Margaret We Trust at: 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

TBT - Pretty Little Liars: The Dark Ride

Liars Unite! Spencer, Hanna, Aria & Emily
This one goes out specifically to my fellow Pretty Little Liars fan and niece Ms. Shauna Waters.
Nothing said Halloween quite like the PLL episode The Dark Ride, season 3 episode 13. All the girls were on a train for a celebration of all that is spooky and creepy. Well you of course know who shows up to seal that deal, "A!" 

Since Hanna Marin is my niece Shauna's favorite character on the show, and she was on board the terror train as Marilyn Monroe, another of her faves - this Throwback Thursday is dedicated to you grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl!

With the big "A" reveal merely two episodes away, I have had my theories as to who that is, and one of them has been Hanna. But you never know what's happening with this roller coaster of a show anything is possible.

Shauna has yet to see this weeks PLL, you know when Hanna went to jail? We text every week about each episode, I wonder what her reaction will be to that? Hey, Shauna hurry up and watch!

It's not all "Pretty" at:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Marie Osmond Transforms Herself...

Yes, It Really Is Marie Osmond
Into The Bride of Frankenstein! Yes, it's totally true!

Not only does she portray Frankenstein's mate, she also does Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Madonna and Elizabeth Taylor. Hey what can't this amazing woman do?!

Why you may ask? Well there is a's for "Showstopper" a new production number in the Donny and Marie Show at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas.

Marie has always been my favorite Osmond. Even though she was "a little bit country" and I am more Rock-N-Roll. I used to sit glued to the TV set when the Donny & Marie show was on.

Marie, For Real
She is an icon to me and what makes her special is she has always been kind, compassionate, honest and above all real.

Her ups and downs are well documented in the press and through it all Ms. Osmond has always remained strong and fluid as a human being.

I greatly admire her moxie and intelligence. Not to mentions she is an A + entertainer & personality. 

A note to the judges of Dancing With The Stars, who dissed Marie's freestyle to The Rolling Stone's "Start Me Up" - it was awesome and perhaps one day you will realize the error of your judgement, the meantime let's make believe and play dress up with Marie and all of her amazing transformations in the video below!

                                                          Believe It Or Not

Sometimes It's OK To Go "A Little Bit Country" at:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hitch A Ride With Marilyn Monroe

The Traveling Marilyn Monroe Statue
Photo: Michael Shinafelt
As anyone who knows me knows, I am a big Marilyn Monroe fan, which should come as no major surprise to those of you who may have just found out this information.

Here is a piece I did on this blog when My Week With Marilyn came out:

So in honor of that I am posting some rare photos of one of my favorite actresses that are part of a traveling pop up exhibit. Also included at the top of this article is the photo I took of the traveling MM statue in Palm Springs, CA when I was there this past February, hey I may not have gotten to shoot the real thing but it was good enough for this fan. 

Marilyn frequently let crew members  photograph her on set when the cameras weren't rolling, to calm her nerves. 
Here, is a sneak peek at the lost photos of Marilyn Monroe, being showcased this month in a traveling exhibition curated by Pierre Vudrag.

Marilyn on the set of one of my favorites "Niagara"
Photo: Allan "Whitey" Snyder

Marilyn Posing for an Ad for Lawn Furniture
Photo: Mischa Pelz
One of My Personal Favorites from the Exhibit Circa 1952
Photo: Lani Carlson 

Hope you enjoyed this preview of some great images of one of the most amazing stars to ever grace the silver screen, I know I did.

Marilyn on IMDB:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Punk Princess: Ariel Beez

Photo: Dylan Jet

"I play the ukulele, and I sing, too" - Marilyn Monroe as Sugar Kane "Some Like It Hot"

You may be scratching your collective heads right now and asking yourself "What does a quote from the classic "Some Like It Hot" have to do with a "Punk Princess"? 

Let's put it this way: "You'll find out"... Ms. Beez the former lead singer of the punk band "Snow White & the 7 Slutz" is now officially a solo act who resides in New York and is a poetry major, that's right she sings, she writes her own songs and guess what? Plays the ukulele, and she's a model...It's time to get your punk on, Ariel style.

MS: Hey Ariel, catch me up on what's been happening with your music.

AB: I've been playing a lot of open mics in New York, I'm also learning more covers to mix in with my original songs. Recently I learned "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "You'll Always Hurt The One You Love" I really like working with classics on my ukulele. Basically I've been doing solo shows and messing about with my material.

MS: The ukulele is a unique instrument to play, what made you take it up?

AB: Actually what happened my Dad is a Director and was working in Hawaii on the show "Hawaii 5-0" about two years ago. He came back with ukulele and told me he was going to start learning, and I asked if I could mess about with it, and he said "yeah no problem". So I went outside and wrote a song with it in an hour. It's an amazing instrument, anyone can play it. I'm in love with it, I write most of my songs on it.

MS: How cool!

AB: Yeah, I had to go out and buy my own ukulele after that because I am so obsessed with it.

MS: Glad to hear you are doing some covers, they help establish you when you are coming up.

Photo: Jamie Wise
AB: Yeah, I only do a few covers, I have been pretty successful with my own songs. Also whenever I need extra money I go busking in New York, in Union Square or something. I bring my ukulele out put the case down and try to make a couple of bucks, that's been working really well. A guy filmed me from Norwegian Television, and random people videotape me it's great exposure and it's just fun to play for random people.

MS: Sounds like a blast!

AB: My music is on Band Camp, which is really an amazing tool. I put my album up for free on it, but you can pay for my music through my Paypal account if you care to. People can also E-mail you on it, I've gotten E-mails from all over the world, from people who listen to my music. I got one from Sweden from a guy named Christopher who told me he has been listening to my music for a while and he wanted to let me know.  Well thanks for telling me Christopher from Sweden, that's really cool!

MS: I know for a fact there are lots of people out there who know who you are.

AB: It's fun! I've gotten recognized in some super random places for my music, it's pretty cool.

MS: Any weird stories yet?

AB: Not yet, people mostly come up to me and say they recognize my from my photo on Band Camp.

MS: What's the most current song you have out?

AB: Oh, God, the last song I wrote that I actually posted was called "The Day I Stayed in Bed" It's basically about how I like writing songs in bed, and how I don't want to get out of my bed, but I will, one day. (laughs) 

MS: Is that where you usually write songs?

AB: There and in my room, or I'll go to a park or something. Sometimes I'll walk somewhere and when I feel inspired I'll sit down and start writing.

MS: Your currently majoring in poetry.

AB: It's actually a literary studies major with an emphasis in poetry. Songs in my mind are just poetry set to music. 

Go to Band Camp with Ariel:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Reel Life: My Week With Marilyn

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
― Marilyn Monroe

This quote by the most famous woman in the world sums up the film “My Week With Marilyn” ….

Who knew the everlasting, amazing star would end up with a movie about herself that she herself defined in a quote (but after seeing this movie you will not be surprised that she actually did).

OK, yes, I am a longtime Marilyn fan, so much so that when I worked in bookkeeping at a talent agency near the Westwood Memorial Cemetery, where Marilyn was laid to rest, on days when I used to bring my lunch and wanted tranquility and peace I would go there and sit on the bench in front of her marker and eat whatever food I had brought for the day.

“My Week With Marilyn” is not a bio pic per se’ - but a love letter to the woman as an artist & human being, that covers the time when she was filming “The Prince and the Showgirl” with Sir Laurence Olivier, who also directed.

Marilyn was selfish, impatient and, and as she said a “little insecure” I would say a lot. But she was also charming, sweet, sexy, loving and a true artist.

Ultimately this is what you get from “My Week With Marilyn” - a portrait of an extremely complex woman who delivered for the studios a magic no one else could, therefore the difficulties were worth it for them to put up with.

Michelle Williams is one of my favorite actresses working, I love, love, love her! She captures the magic of Marilyn - my favorite stuff in the film is when she portrays the icon flubbing scenes during production of "The Prince and the Showgirl" she is truly awful (on purpose of course), but when she nails the scenes, she captures the magic that was Marilyn.

Love this movie, if you are fan a must see, and to everyone else who is on the fence, this is a enchanting piece of entertainment, and you will be completely captivated by Williams.

Hey, Michelle - FYI you are now officially my favorite for the 2011 Best Actress Oscar.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Traci Lords "Last Drag"

It has been 16 years since pop icon Traci Lords album “1000 Fires“, was released in 1995. The first single off of it, “Control”, went double platinum, climbing to #2 on the Billboard Dance Charts. It was also featured on the Mortal Combat sound track.

The album’s second track, “Fallen Angel”, was showcased in the Denzel Washington/Russell Crowe film “Virtuosity.”

Well the notorious TL returns to the dance floor with a brand new high energy single “Last Drag.” I caught up with Ms. Lords in New York, before her fitting for the grand opening of Studio 54, in New York City.
MS: Hey Traci, how are you?

TL: I’m here in New York, Sirius Radio is doing a one night thing tonight at Studio 54, to celebrate their new channel that they are launching, that is dedicated to all the music of that era. I never went to Studio 54, but of course I know about the stories, and the outrageousness that took place. So I’m pretty excited…!

MS: Well I know you have a wardrobe fitting for the big evening soon, so I have a little quickie thing I want to do with you.

TL: I beg your pardon?! You and everybody else honey! (laughs)

MS: Yeah, take a number. (laughs) I am going to give you 10 Things and you say the first thing that pops into your head.

TL: OK, This sounds dangerous….

MS: No, it’s cool.

MS: John Waters
TL: Skinny Moustaches

MS: Underneath It All
TL: Redemption

MS: Drag Queens
TL: High Hair, Aquanet

MS: Purple Room
TL: My Safe Place

MS: Marilyn Monroe
TL: A Loss

MS: Love
TL: Family, My Husband & My Little Boy

MS: Melrose Place
TL: Heather Locklear

MS: Aliens
TL: Yes

MS: Sharon Lesher
TL: Spiked Eel Gucci High Heels

MS: Last Drag
TL:I Smile..It Is Like An
Alexander McQueen
Gold Necklace. It’s
Dangerous, But It Has A
Sense Of Humor To It.

MS: Have a great time tonight, at Studio 54.

TL: Thank you, have a great day.

“I kicked that habit, when I kicked your ass out the door” - Last Drag

Check out my full interview with Traci at:

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