Showing posts with label Madonna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madonna. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Michael's Musings

Rainbow High
Michael Shinafelt

"Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me" Rainbow Connection, The Muppets

This past week the Supreme Court took a stand for LGBTQ Civil Rights, and it happened during Pride Month, Yay! While I don't even know why basic equality should be held into question, let alone need a ruling by a court this is still rocking news!!!

So, how you doing Minions? Let's hit this noise!

I don't know about you, but I don't trust anyone who can't hold a drink with one hand, just sayin'

"To go Full Karen you must imagine that you're delivering Scarlett O'Hara's "As God as my witness" speech, for your talent competition in the Miss USA Pageant and that if you don't win there will be a lawsuit" - Paul Rudnick

FYI If you've never had the Supreme Court decide if you have the same rights as others you have privilege

Just say no to being a victim of lunar carnivorous activities

Gwyneth Paltrow now offers a candle called "This Smells Like My Orgasm" and is hawking it with the help of her 14 year old son Moses. File this under: "Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any more disturbing"

Radiant and Real

COVID-19 has now cancelled more gigs than Morrissey

Silence is not Golden

Woman Crush of the Week - in keeping with Pride Month, Madonna. For being at the forefront of the fight against AIDS. Here she is in the 90's at the AIDS Dance-A-Thon, you're welcome 😎

For the older people making fun of Tik Tok, remember you used to do the same thing in front of a mirror alone and for free

I work from home in mysterious ways...let that sink in

Marking myself safe from who the Hell knows what today

Alien Sex Fiend has always been one of my favorite band names (yes, it really is the name of a band)

We all have one thing in common, we are all mosquito food

Now I'm hungry, follow me at:  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Just Because...Cha-Cha-Cha

Cha Cha Cha

Just Because it's catchier than you initially think. Just Because of it's dream like quality and Just Because it uses the phrase Cha Cha Cha I present to you Madonna's first single off of her upcoming album Madame X - Medellin.

Honestly upon first listen I was so like WTF?! Then I listened again, and again and the Cha Cha Cha goes on...

She collaborated with Latin star Maluma who is from Medellin, Cha Cha Cha.

When I play it while sipping my black fly free Chardonnay I often feel like I am drifting into a fugue Cha Cha Cha.

But mostly it makes me want Cha Cha Heels for Christmas, for I am Nikki Finn and I will not be denied, Cha Cha Cha.

Madonna on IG -

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday Motivation

Let's Get Unconscious, Honey-
Madonna & Lady Gaga
"There's got to be a morning after, If we can hold on through the night, We have a chance to find the sunshine, Let's keep on looking for the light" - Morning After, Maureen McGovern 

"Yes" peeps it's the morning after The Oscars - who saw Olivia Colman winning over Glenn Close. No one! However Social Media is buzzing at present about this image of Lady Gaga with her Oscar for Best Original Song and Mama Madonna holding them both.

Honestly, can I be frank? I have never felt there was any "rivalry" ever between the two. They trotted it out when they each had something to promote and then it went away post haste

Let's get real when Gaga did Born This Way a hybrid note for note of Express Yourself and Vogue she had to have had permission to do it. Otherwise Madonna could have sued and won. These two are partners in crime make no mistake about it.

Oh, yeah, what's today's Monday Motivation? Cheers to women supporting each other. Hey we should all support each other as human beings. Go out and be the best version of you that you can possibly be. Even if you actually suck as a human being, try to suck less today.

What's your motivation on Wikipedia:

Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday Motivation

I "Heart" Bananas!
Michael Shinafelt
"For I'm going bananas, Yes, I'm going bananas, Si, I'm going bananas" Madonna "I'm Going Bananas"
It's Monday and as you can clearly see I'm going bananas! As an insomniac I actually got an amazing night's sleep, finally! I feel energized and ready to take on anything, bring it!
Thus today's Monday Motivation is bananas - of the literal kind that I just put into my delicious raspberry smoothie I just made before hitting the computer, and the crazy kind, in a good metaphorical way. 
"Yes" I am bonkerz for the new week and ready to go fruity and well, bananas with it as it is mine, and yours to shape anyway we want. That's correct minions, your mission this week is to change it up do things a little, or a lot differently than you normally would. Your directive is to wake up every morning and set the tone for the day with any mantra, or mantras of your choosing. Go bananas and just do it! Your focus will be rewarded, trust me. Now it's time for me to get out there an get to it!
Have a banana or two with me at -  

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday Motivation

No Explanation Needed

It's raining hardcore today in Los Angeles thus it is the perfect day to hibernate and write. That's correct today's Monday Motivation is writing. In addition to writing this post today I also have to finish up a piece on my 50 lb wight loss for a Gay oriented magazine as well as get busy with some other endeavors of a personal nature.

"Yes" I have my own pet project that I am working on to please myself and F#ck it if no one else likes it. This line of thinking gave me a flashback to when Madonna unleashed her Sex book. Oh the controversy that it caused. 

While it was mostly images, there was written passages by Madge herself. That described sexual fantasies, positions, fetishes, blah, blah, blah...

Is my pet project of a sexual nature you are asking? I'll plead the 5th, you will find out when I am ready to let the dogs out. That's right it was me who let the dogs out. Now you have the answer to that age old riddle.

Time to pull myself up by my jock and get moving, get your red hot Monday Motivation jones on people!

The Sex Book on Wikipedia -

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I Can't Stand The Rain

Let's Get Soaken Wet! Not!
Anne Hathaway
"I feel it, It's coming, Rain" - Madonna

Well the rainy season in Los Angeles is here and frankly as my byline states - "I can't stand the rain"

As a Washington State native it rained quite a lot, but that was common and it was manageable. Not so much when you live in Los Angeles. Even the littlest amount of the wet stuff can wreak havoc. People slip and slide in their cars, mudslides occur from the fires of the summer and boy do the drainage systems suck here. Thus the water gets quite saturated and streets and sidewalks are freakishly populated with mini lakes and rivers.

Bear witness to Anne Hathaway keeping it dry and real out and about in LA, yet somehow, unlike most individuals I know, she manages to look quite chic. I guess that's why she's a star and we aren't, or something like that.

The moral of today's post? Never make fun of Angelenos when they complain about the rain. Honestly it's the equivalent of a snow storm here. 

I can't wait for this sh!t to end!

Got rain? Oh yes you do, here it is on Wikipedia -  

Monday, December 31, 2018

It's NYE 2018!

Courtney Love
It's another year under our collective belts and another one to tackle. What are your hopes and dreams for 2019

My feeling is the years all bleed together and there is not one that is more special than the other. How do I celebrate New Year's Eve? I watch TV, drink wine and give zero F#cks. 

Thus for NYE I leave you with memes featuring two of my favorite female artists Courtney Love ringing out 2018 & Madonna ringing in 2019.

Process them anyway you like I don't give a F#ck! 

Happy New Year
Give zero F#cks with me at:

Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday Motivation

 Serving Little Edie Realness

"Wine is bottled poetry" - Robert Luis Stevenson 

That's correct peeps my Monday Motivation is wine, and not the kind that people do when they are trying to get their way. That's not my kind of wine, my kind is the kind you drink from a glass and it makes you happy

Thus your Monday Motivation is to c'mon get happy. Smiles everyone smiles! Holiday cheer is here in the form of a big magnificent glass of squashed fermented grapes.

So join me, myself and fellow wine enthusiast Madonna and raise a glass, and give yell. It's Mother F#cking Monday

Only eight more days until Christmas, suck on that!

Wine on Wikipedia:

Friday, December 7, 2018

Freaky Friday

Do You Believe In...
Tom Cruise & Cher
"It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone" - Rod Serling, The Twilight Zone 

You have now been transported to another time and place. The year is 1985 the place Sean Penn & Madonna's wedding. This is where Cher and Tom Cruise met, and "yes" started dating...

WTF?! Well Virginia this twosome totally dated! The Twilight Zone was a product of Hollywood and now you know why, because things like this happen in Tinseltown, thus "The Zone" is real kiddies.

Cher has spilled that Tom was one of her best lovers. I am going to have to venture this was before he joined the cult of Scientology and became a mechanical boy. Because I honestly can't imagine him being all that good now. The early years, when he came across like a flesh and blood human being, fer sure.

So I'm gonna leave you with this trip to contemplate on this Freaky Friday, right here, right now...

Mic Drop!

Cher on IG -

Tom on IG -

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Time For Some S&M! "Mercy Mistress"

I'm Begging You For Mercy!
Poppy Liu

Based on the real life of professional dominatrix Yin Q.
Asian-Femme-focused digital drama explores the complexities of our secret taboos: Bondage, Submission, Sado-Masochism, Fetish, and Kink.

Museum Of Sex to host Red Carpet Premiere

"Give it up, do as I say" - Erotica, Madonna 

 In a surprise announcement from her private lair, Margaret Cho announced last week that “I have joined an amazing new series, Mercy Mistress, as an Exec Producer. You will watch.”

Mercy Mistress is based on a memoir by Yin Q. The show follows the character Mistress Yin, played by Poppy Liu, as a queer, first-gen, Chinese-American professional and lifestyle dominatrix in Manhattan. Season 1 is directed entirely by Amanda Madden, and produced by a primarily woman-led crew, with support of the POC, Asian American, queer, and kink communities. The show simultaneously explores immigrant life, stories of Asian culture in America, the struggles and challenges of sex workers, and authentic experiences in the kink world.

It is likely NSFW, so adventure with discretion!

Yin Q said “We are thrilled to bring Mercy Mistress to the communities it represents, as well as to the greater audience. I am personally ecstatic to work with the legendary Margaret Cho. She has long championed the myriad voices inside and behind this series.”

No Mercy
Cho added “Yin’s universe, executed by Amanda and inhabited by Poppy, embodies the wonderful mad mix of diverse people living in our world, and making art in our culture. Unfortunately, these very voices – the Sex Worker, the Chinese Immigrant, the Asian Woman, the secret Kink – often remain invisible. It’s an honor to help get them seen.”

Cho and her partners Sarah Martin and Jessie Boemper also join Mercy Mistress as Executive Producers, along with their frequent collaborator, Evan Shapiro. Together the team recently announced their sale of comedy series Almost Asian, a series which takes on the Asian American experience from a significantly lighter tone.

Cho’s declaration came via Instagram, with an announcement that the first episode of Mercy Mistress dropped on the show’s YouTube page ( The series, which will be released on January 7, will be celebrated at The Museum of Sex in NYC with an exclusive premiere experience.

Margaret on IG -

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Michael's Musings

Fit Over 50
Michael Shinafelt
What's new turkey gobblers, whoa, whoa, whoa - and the funk played on...

Happy Thanksgiving minions! I hope you have a groovy day. Me? Groove is in my heart, thus I am going to give you some of the things I am thankful for.

Things that shaped my life, things in the right here, right now & things that just make me smile like I have a naughty secret. Are you ready? Let's go!

I am thankful that I have lost 50 lbs & counting and am in kick ass shape @ the age of 52...!!!

"If you're not laughing, you're not living." - laughter

The films of Ken Russell, "yes" all of them

My love of horror movies

My family

The original Halloween in 1978 & the 2018 40 years later sequel

Tennessee Williams

Writing - it's my happy place

Acting, I have done that. Any questions? Ask.

"Live Through This" - Hole
Come On, Vogue!
Madonna, Madonna, Madonna

My extended family

When I see the world through the eyes of a child

The privilege to be alive

After 52 years of living and learning this is just a small tip of the iceberg. There are a whole lot more things to be thankful for than this. These were merely a few of my favorite things

Choke your turkey today with me at:  

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Michael's Musings

Make a Pass at Me
Michael Shinafelt

"Trades her soul as skin and bones, Sells the only thing she owns, Woman in Chains" - Woman in Chains, Tears For Fears

While I am not a woman, nor am I in chains - this classic Tears For Fears song has been playing on loop in my head of late. Why??? I dunno - Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone...speaking of which...

The first rule of Michael Shinafelt Club? Don't interrupt me while I'm boxing 

Emma Stone Talks - winner of weirdest byline of the week 

Have you ever heard Aretha Franklin sing opera? YouTube it minions, it's amaze balls!

Morphing, it's a thing

DeAundra Peek, Peeks at whom you may ask? Find out by clicking on the link below -

Let's get naked!

"Trump’s fight with Turkey better not fuck up my Thanksgiving dinner" - Comedian, Tony Tripoli 

Pretty In Pink

F#ck She's 60!
Never thought I'd live long enough to state this - Happy 60th Birthday Madonna!

The Big Picture 

Since I'm no longer a Bear...

I bequeath your ass

There was a boy, a very special boy - note the operative word is was

When all else fails, F#ck it!

Bend over and pick up the soap for me at:

Friday, August 10, 2018

Freaky Friday

Just Do It!
"We go hard or we go home, We gonna do this all night long, We get freaky if you want" - "Bitch I'm Madonna" Madonna

Bitches I'm Michael! I go hard, that's why I never go home, oh and freaky? Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

OK, I'm not going to divulge anything really other than I don't know about you cats but I'm feeling mighty real and quite free-ky this Friday. "Yes" the misspelling of "freaky" was on porpoise. As was the last typo.

Let me impart these words of wisdom to you on this August 10, 2018 - live by your own rules and what works for you. Surprise yourself everyday, go with the flow and free your mind and the rest will follow...that's correct now I am sounding like an En Vogue single.
Get Freaky
Michael Shinafelt
While there is always accidents in life sometimes they are happy ones and you never know what may come of them. 

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mike Drop! Get it? My name is Michael, Mike. Carry on and let your freak flag fly!

Get freaky with me at:

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Michael's Musings

I Heart You
Michael Shinafelt
"I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks, I've been drawn into your magnetar pit trap trap I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black" - Nirvana "Heart Shaped Box"

Oh hey wait I've got a new complaint, or not. boxes and hearts have been going through my mind of late. I also garnered a new title "Hung Hunk" while I have always been the former, losing 50 lbs. will always give you something extra, thus the added adjective of "Hunk" - "yes" it's time to ruminate, minions.

Me & Madonna have something in common in the photo above. Think about it, but not too much.

That moment when you realize someone named Bazzi has a hit single -WTF?!

Tinsley Mortimer of The Real Housewives of NYC gives women a bad name

I am officially fierce

"Put your hand between your legs and make it hard" - Jessica, Spin Class instructor

This is how you ______ it's blank, fill it in

Kylie Jenner turns 21?! Wow! I thought she was at least 25 already

Bringing The Real
Denise Richards
Congratulations to Denise Richards on joining the cast of the Real Housewives of BH - That's Hot!

"It's not easy being green" - Kermit The Frog

Current Mood: That's for me to know & you to find out...


Words of wisdom - Lyft is cheaper than Uber 

They will try to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds of love

Hey beautiful people, time to wake up 

Here it goes again @ -